Endless love

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Hey babes!! Here's a request for my friend @stadiumstyles

Hope you enjoy Heather!!

You too loves!!!

I clutched onto Harry as we rode on his motorcycle.

Jesus this thing was scary as hell, but as long as I have Harry....it's ok.

Harry and I were recently on our way to a lake to go swimming in.

Harry and I always do this when we want a romantic night.

There's this lake that we like to go to every Saturday night so we can mess around and be idiots and never act our age.

Harry pulled up to the lake and pushed his wild hair back.

"You alright Heather?" Harry asked me as he helped me climb off of his bike.

I nodded my head and he clicked off my helmet for me, brushing my hair down as he took it off.

He brought his face close and brushed his nose against mine.

An Eskimo kiss.

I giggled.

"You're so cute....you know that Heather?" Harry asked, his hands traveling down my sides and giving my bum a light squeeze.

I squealed, pushing him away, causing him to laugh and pull me back into his arms.

He wrapped his arms around my neck, folding them and I hid my face in his chest and wrapped my arms around his torso.

"I love you so damn much" he whispered, twisting my hair with his fingers.

"I love you too biker boy" I laughed.

"Biker boy huh? Well I like that....biker girl" he grinned.

I winked making him wink back and peck his lips against mine.


"Come on babe, let's get into the water" Harry cheered pulling his shirt off and pulling his pants down.

Damn he's eager, I thought.

I slowly started taking my shirt off and pulled my shorts down.

I looked up at harry to see he was staring at me, biting down on his lip and sliding his tongue across it.

"Sexy hips, full sexy thick thighs.....my type of woman" Harry grinned.

"Yea okay cheeky....you're not getting any tonight so you can stop with the comments. And don't comment on my thighs....you know I don't like them" I groaned.

"Your thighs are the sexiest thighs in the whole fucking banana having world!!" Harry screamed causing my eyes to widen.

"Okay monkey boy, let's get in the water" I said running towards the lake.

Harry picked me up, and carried me into the water, swinging me around as we splashed in the lake.

"I have something for you...." Harry whispered.

"What?" I asked.

He started swimming towards the ground to get something out of his pants pocket and then started swimming back.

I looked in his hands once he reached me, and saw a small box.

"Oh shit...." I nervously breathed out.

Harry laughed loudly.

"It's not what you think love....although I do plan on making you Mrs. Styles soon" Harry promised with a wink, making me blush.

He opened the box to pull out a beautiful necklace.

"Turn around for me baby" he said.

I turned around in the water so my back was pressed against Harry's front.

He placed the necklace onto my neck and clipped it.

I looked down at the beautiful silver necklace to see two shaped H's.

The next read, "Forever with my love, for your eyes only, H&H".

I looked up at harry and smiled.

"My god Harry....it's beautiful" I complimented.

"Not nearly as beautiful as you" he said pulling me closer.

"Thank you Harry...for everything" I said.

He pulled me closer to him and kissed my lips passionately.

"Anything for you Heather.....I love you" he smiled.

"I love you."

Hope you enjoyed Heather!!

And you too my loves!!

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