Pregnancy Fun

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"UGGHHHH!!!!!" You continued to groan.

"Baby, I don't think sitting there groaning will help" Harry chuckled from the kitchen.

You stared down at your big bundle of joy that continued to kick in your large belly.

"Have any better ideas?" You asked.

Harry placed the pot on the stove and walked into the living room where you sat on the couch.

He placed three bowls onto the coffee table in front of you and gave you a smile.

He sat next to you, kissing your lips and grabbing your legs, placing them on top of his thighs.

"I want you to rest baby. Dinner will be ready in the meantime sit here, continue to look beautiful, and rest up. I brought pickles, potato chips and nutella" he said.

You're smile couldn't have been wider as you realized just how grateful you were to have someone as amazing as Harry.

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