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That pic!!

"Hmmm" Harry moaned in pleasure as you grinded your front against his.

The position you two were in was really turning you on.

His back was against the head board of your bed as you sat on his lap.

Your fingers getting a fist full of his luscious long chocolatey locks, pulling slightly knowing that he loved when you did this.

"God y/n....You're killing me" he groaned frustrated.

You couldn't help but chuckle, loving the feeling of being in control.

He slowly moved his fingers down into your underwear and onto your heated core.

"Oh..." you panted as he pushed a finger inside of you, creating an unexplainable power of pleasure as he rubbed his thumb over your clit quickly.

"So wet..." he whispered seductively in your ear.

"" you begged.

He pulled his finger out of you and reached over into the drawer of his night stand to get out a condom.

You started to take off his shirt until he muttered something.

"Shit" he cursed.

"Whats wrong?" you asked.

"We're out of condoms" he groaned.

"Ugh, what happened to the pack you bought of 65?" You asked.

He started grinning and your cheeks flushed.

"Guess we've been getting it on a lot lately" he laughed causing you to punch his arm.

"Ow" he pouted.

"I'm glad I caused you pain" you teased as you rolled off of him.

"What now?" He asked.

You shrugged. "Guess we'll just wait till tomorrow."

"What?? No way, look!" Harry exclaimed.

He grabbed your hand and placed it onto the front of his boxers making you gulp as you felt how hard he was for you.

"This....isn't going to go away that easy" he said.

"Well what do you suggest we do?."

"Let's go get some condoms" he spoke.

"What? Harry are you crazy? Remember the last time you went to go get condoms?" You asked him.

The memory of him going to get condoms filled your head as you remember the video of Harry walking out of the store, tripping on his own feet, causing the condoms to spill out of the bag which the paparazzi had a field day taking pictures of.

He started blushing and you chuckled.

"Guess you'll just have to come with me" he said, getting up and slipping on some shoes.

"What?? No way" you scrunched up your nose.

"Yes way" he said in a serious tone.

"Harry there is no way you're going to be able to get me out of this house to go get condoms with you at the store" you said.

Harry raised up his eyebrows.

"Want a bet?" He asked.

You gulped.


"Ughhh" you groaned in agony.

You hated the thought of being seen in public buying condoms with your boyfriend.

"Oh babe, it's not that bad" Harry said as you clenched your hands onto his strong arm as you two walked around the store.

"Let's just hurry up and buy them already" you begged.

Your head was buried into Harry's chest as you two stood on the condom isle.

He spent about 5 minutes looking for the right ones.

"Babe....I was thinking we could probably try some different condoms....maybe flavored?" He asked.

You completely froze and looked up at your idiotic boyfriend.

"Harry....we are not getting no Damn flavored condoms....get the ones we usually get so we can get out of here" you groaned.

"Ok woman ok. Geez, just thought cherry would be a nice chang-"

"Harry shut up".

He chuckled and finally got a pack of condoms.

He paid for them and you immediately ran out the store and into Harry's range rover.

"Ugh, that was so embarrassing" you laughed as Harry climbed into his car as well.

"It was actually pretty cute watching you act that way....Guess I'll have to take you with me to go get condoms for now on" he teased.

"Yea okay" you laughed.

Harry drove you two home and carried you inside the house and into the bedroom so you guys can create some midnight memories.

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