This is us

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Hey babes!!! Here's a request for meh friend harrysxkitty

Hope you enjoy!!

Tears filled my eyes as I stared at the four boys in front of me.

The boys I was leaving forever.

I was moving away from my four best friends I've come to love so very much.

My bags sat next to me as I stared at them.

Niall walked up to me first.

"Don't cry Lexi. You know that kills us." Niall begged, wrapping his arms around me. "Promise you'll eat all the food for me.....but also save half for your little leprechaun. You know how hungry us creatures get" he teased making me giggle.

After giving me a kiss on the head, he let go of me.

Liam now walked up.

"You will always be our best friend. We love you so much and know that no matter what happens...we'll always be here to love, support and protect you Lexi" he promised, wrapping my small frame in his arms.

I nodded as the tears spilled, falling onto his perfectly neat shirt.

It was now Louis's turn.

"Promise me you'll fight any hoe that tries to bother you. And tell all those big headed guys that big brother Louis is after them. And fuck up any bitch tha-"

"Louis...Louis....yea....I get it" I laughed.

He gave me an adoring smile.

"I'll miss you" he said, kissing my cheek. "We all will."

I flickered my eyes back up to the one I'll miss the most.


My forever lasting crush.

He looked so broken as he walked up to me.

"I'm gonna miss much" he cried.

"I'm gonna miss your curls" I teased.

He immediately wrapped me in his arms.

"I love you" he spoke.

My heart clenched in my chest.

Did he really just say the three words I'm frightened of saying?

He gasped at what he said and pulled away.

"I'm sorry....I wasn't suppose to say that...I ju-"

I shushed him by placing my lips roughly on his.

He sighed into the kiss and I heard the boys gasp in the back.

His tongue brushed against mine and my heart pounded in excitement and shock.

I pulled away and smiled at him.

"I love you too Harry. I just never knew how to tell you" I admitted.

His eyes went wide and he gave me the biggest grin, placing his lips on mine again.

"So that's it?" we heard a voice ask.

I pulled away to see that Louis asked the question.

"You're just gonna let her leave mate?" Louis asked Harry in shock.

"Yea lad, are you crazy? This is your've told her how you feel and since she feels the same way...." Niall hinted.

"There's only one thing left to do" Liam joined.

Harry nodded his head in agreement as he looked at the boys.

I were standing there left confused.

Harry turned around and wrapped his arms around my waist, bring his nose to mine.

"I'm coming with you baby girl" he breathed.

My eyes went wide and I started jumping up and down in excitement.

"I've waited forever for this to happen...and now that it finally has....I'm not leaving your sight baby. I'm forever yours...and you're stuck with me" Harry promised.

I smiled and kissed his lips again.

"I love you" we both spoke at the same time only to corrupt into laughter.

This is the feeling of love.

This will always last....

This is us.

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