Self Harm

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Hola loves!! Just wanted to say before I start, this imagine may be triggering to some viewers!!

If that's the case you are very welcome to skip ahead to the next chapter that should be up soon!!

And I also want to say because I care about every single one of you so very much, never ever ever self harm!!

I know from experience and I think I'm all too familiar with this situation enough, to warn you guys of the terrible consequences.

It is not worth it, and know that no matter how hard you try....cuts won't go away till years go by.

Please please please do not self harm....Thank you.


You were bored....

So bored.

Harry was gone to the market while you sat here on the couch watching reruns of that's so raven.

"Ya nasty" raven commented from the television, earning a chuckle from you.

"God I miss this show" you smiled.

You were then interrupted when you heard the familiar ringing of your phone.

You quickly picked it up and answered it.

"Hello?" You asked.

"Hellooooo sexy" you heard him grin.

You smiled.

"Hello harold."

"How's my favorite girl?" He asked.

"Shes great. Where is my boyfriend?" You quizzed.

"He's actually coming around the corner soon. I got everything for our movie night together baby. I got the cookies, popcorn, candy..." he said and you could practically hear the smile in his voice.

Movie nights with him in your shared home together was absolutely the best.

You couldn't imagine spending your Friday night and Harry's off night doing something else.

"Wait...what about the ice cream?" You asked, noticing Harry didn't mention it.

There was a long pause.

"Shit" you heard him say under his breath.

"Oh god" you laughed.

"Ok...I'll be...another....10 minutes or so. I'm going to go get the ice cream for my princess. Chocolate right?" He asked.

You nodded.

Wait...he can't see you.

"Dumbass...." you muttered about yourself.

"What was that?" Harry ask in a puzzled voice.

"Sorry babe, not you. And yes chocolate" you agreed.

"Ok kitten, I'll be there soon. Love you."

"Love you too, bye" you said, soon hanging up the phone afterwards.

You were about to put the phone down until you realized you haven't been on any social media all day.

That's when you decided to take the time to go on Twitter and see if there was anything new.

You then saw there seemed to be a new trend going on called #Harold-Needs-Glasses

@Harry_Styles don't you realize you could be doing a way better job than what you're doing with that ugly bitch you call a girlfriend?? Um...hellooooo!! #Haroldneedsglasses, one person tweeted.

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