You're sick

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You were laying in bed, your head stuffed into your pillow.

You heard the door to your room open and heard footsteps coming towards you.

"Baby....." Harry whispered.


"You okay love?" Harry asked you, sitting on the bed next to you.


Harry placed his hand onto your forehead.

"Geez Y/ N. You're burning up sweetheart. Do you feel okay?" Harry spoke.

You shook your head and looked at harry.

"Everything hurts" you complained.

Harry pouted and grabbed his phone.

He dialed someone's number and placed the phone to his ear.

"Hey Liam......yea lad.......uh....yea I'm actually not coming to work girl's not feeling well......okay....tell the other mates I said hi.....ok lad.....bye" Harry ended the call and you frowned at him.

"Harry can't skip work because of me....what will management say-"

"I don't care what they say Y/ N.....You're sick and you're more important. Now I'm going to stay home and take care of you alright?" Harry said, in a serious tone.

You continued frowning but nodded your head anyway.

"Good. Now I'm going to go make some homemade soup for you and get you some medicine. I'll be about 45 minutes okay baby? Yell for me if you need anything. Anything at all okay?" Harry told you and you nodded again.

Harry gave you a kiss on the cheek and went downstairs to start.

He soon came back up stairs with a tray that had your soup, water, orange juice and medicine on it.

"Thank you Harry" you thanked him as he sat the tray on your lap.

"No problem love. Need to make sure my kitten feels better" Harry smiled.

He leaned his face closer to bring his lips to yours.

"Harry no...." You scolded. "I'm sick and I don't want you to get sick too."

Harry rolled his eyes and pushed his lips onto yours anyway.

You sighed into the kiss, and pulled away, wrinkling up your nose in disgust.

Harry grinned and pushed some hair from your face.

You started eating your soup and Harry laid next to you, going through the guide on the tv, to put it on your favorite movie.

Once you were done with the amazing soup, you drunk your orange juice and took your disgusting cough medicine and pain killers.

You suddenly felt sleepy and rested your head on the pillow.

You closed your eyes and felt yourself drifting off into a deep sleep.

You then felt movement.

Harry pulled you closer to him, placing your head on his chest and wrapping your bodies under the blanket.

He placed a kiss on your head again and you smiled slightly.

"I love you Y/N....I'll always be here to take care of and protect you" Harry promised resting his head on yours.

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