Introduction/ Character Sketch

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Nandini: she is the coolest girl of SPACE academy with her cool and bindass attitude but with the sweetest voice in the whole college. She dresses up western style and lives the western style ! She is part of music band named fab 5 and is the lead vocalist. Her best friend is Dhruv.

Manik: he is a new entrant into SPACE.. A very silent personality, with a simple attire, a pair of jeans and tee, and nerdy spectacles to go with it. Always moving around with a file of important stuff in his hands. Moves around the college completely unnoticed ! He is the not very cool type of guy.

Dhruv: the guitarist in the band fab 5 and nandinis best friend ! Nandini might be considering it friendship but this shy guy has some feelings more than friendship for his best friend. He is shy to tell her that but somewhere believes even she feels the same as they are best friends and she is not connected to any other guy. But is he correct ?? Or does nandini have a destined connection with someone else ??

Aliya: aliya is the girl next door, every mans fantasy ! Her attire is the beautiful dresses that she wears paired up with high heels and an elegant purse to go with. She is the pianist in the band fab 5. Although the fab 5 are the best of friends but there is a hint of disappointment in it as well. Aliya is insecure and jealous of nandini and dhruv's friendship. Why ?? Because she loves Dhruv ! She has loved him forever ! No no no it's not love. It's just that she feels something "nice" about him. So yeah she does not accept her feelings for him. But there's someone who knows all about it ! Cabir !

Cabir: cabir is the fun loving guy of the band ! Also called the "joker" ! As he makes everyone laugh all the time ! He knows everyone's deepest secrets ! Fab 5 do share everything with each other but there are secrets at times that they themselves don't understand and therefore do not share. For example, aliyas feelings for Dhruv. She might not be accepting it but cabir knows it all ! He is committed with navya and is the drummer of band fab 5

Mukti: mukti is another funkaar in the band ! She plays the electric guitar and believes there is nothing in the world above her friendship with fab 5 ! But still she is keeping something secret from all of them. And that is abhimanyu, the love of her life ! Everyone has an impression of mukti that she is never serious for one guy and just likes to "have fun".. She is therefore not really comfortable discussing about abhi with her friends. Also, abhis health is an issue ! If her friends knew he is suffering from the last stage of cancer, they won't let her be with him. Even cabir does not know about this little secret ! It's just navya, muktis soul sister who knows about it and who supports their love.

Navya: the girl from the small village but who is full of life and love for her man cabir ! She isn't a part of fab 5 but is very close to each one of them ! Fab 5 have been together since school and navya met them in college when she came down from her hometown to become a great singer !

Abhimanyu: muktis love !! He loves her too much to let go of her even when he knows one day he will have to. Yes he is suffering from cancer the last stage ! He so wishes some miracle to happen and make him stay forever with his love !

Harshad: he is the bad guy ! He is in college only on one purpose ! Nandini ! But what does he want from her ?? What is that thing from the past that is known to harshad but not to nandini ?? What is it that brought him here ?? Why is he after her ?? Would he be able to get what he wants ?? Or would nandini escape with someone's help ??


So friends a very different concept because fab 5 is different and everyone else is too ! But please let me know if you want me to continue this ff ?? Please give me your feedback whether you would like to read more ?? Whether you would accept manik as the soft spoken and nerdy personality and nandini with the cool personality ?! Please do give in your valuable feedback ! Only then would I continue...Thank you !

Manan ff - unconditional love !Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt