Truth about Nyonika

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Recap: Nandini rejected dhruv's proposal that upset Dhruv. Soha left Harshad because of his evil plans.

Soha had been crying her heart out sitting on a park bench in the lawn area of the college. Aryaman who had been passing by, noticed her and wanted to go up and talk to her and calm her down but was confused whether he should do that or not ! He noticed she had been ignoring someone's calls on her phone constantly and he decided he should not interfere because clearly there was another person involved and that he barely knew her which was a reason she would not like him interfering.

After he left, Soha finally picked up Harshad's call and spoke up angrily,

Soha: What is it Harshad ?

Harshad: Soha listen to me please ! I wanna see you ! Could you please come over at the back side of the college ? C'mon you can give me one chance atleast ! Please !

Soha who actually was in love with Harshad, could not resist his plea and therefore moved on to see him.

Nandini reached the jam room and found only Cabir and Mukti sitting there. She wanted to talk to Dhruv but he seemed to be nowhere in the entire college.

Nandini: Hey guys ! Where's Dhruv ?

Mukti: Why do you care ? Now that you have rejected him and broken his heart !

Nandini: Mukti ?! Why are you talking to me like that ? What's my fault ?

Mukti: Oh so now you don't even know what's your fault ? Great ! Nandini, you didn't even think once before breaking his heart ? Not once ? Why ?

Nandini: I did think Mukti ! But I just could not give him what he wanted !

Cabir: He went home Nandini. And he's really upset. So it's better you leave him alone for sometime.

Mukti: She's already left him alone cabir !

Nandini: Mukti please ! Try and understand my situation ! How could I fake it when I don't feel the same for him ?

Mukti does not respond and leaves the room. Cabir and Nandini stay there, not saying anything. Cabir was concerned for Dhruv as well but he, unlike Mukti was aware of Nandini's feelings for him. He somehow knew this was to be her answer. But he just could not interfere in dhruv's plan because he knew how badly he wanted to propose to her and that he would not have taken his advise. Aryaman who was passing by the jam room saw Nandini and Cabir sitting all alone, in the most lifeless mood, quite unlike them and therefore joined them in.

Aryaman: (trying to cheer them up) What's up guys ?!

Nandini and Cabir simply look up at him without uttering a single word of welcome.

Nandini: Aryaman, where's Aliya ? Haven't seen her as well in a long time.

Aryaman: Umm..actually Nandini she has gone to dhruv's place to be with him. You know he was so upset and angry, so she just decided to accompany him.

Nandini: So even she's angry with me right ?

Aryaman: Angry ? With you ? No Nandini. She completely understands your situation. It's just that she wanted to support Dhruv at this time so...

Cabir: Don't worry Nandini. Everyone will come around soon.

Manik had been calling Soha constantly but she had been avoiding taking his calls as well. He then angrily put aside his phone and asked Navya to join him in the practice.

As Aliya rang the door bell at dhruv's place, his mom opened the door and greeted Aliya.

Dhruv's mom: Aliya ! Thank god you're here darling. You know I was about to call Nandini. Dhruv is so upset since the time he has come back home. And he's not even sharing with me what the matter is ! Do you know anything about it ?

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