Fab 5 meets harshad

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Recap: new entry in SPACE, Harshad Saxena ! Secret between Manik and Harshad concerning Nandini.

Mukti reaches college as fast as she can as she does not want any of her friends to find out where she has been escaping. She wishes to hide abhi and their relationship from the entire world. However, fab 5 do have a doubt on her and have decided to talk to her about it soon.

Aliya and Nandini are waiting in the music room when mukti arrives and gives both of them a tight hug. It had now become a tradition as to Whenever she would meet her friends after meeting abhi, she would hug them too tight because she could not express her happiness in words to them and therefore she would share it with them via those tight hugs ! Although none of them knew when she would do this but they had definitely noticed a pattern, whenever she would be lost without informing them after that she would behave too lovingly !

As soon as she arrived and gave them those tight hugs aliya realised there is definitely something wrong because of the loving attitude of her and decided she wanted an explanation right then ! She was about to start asking her when Dhruv entered.

Dhruv: hello friends ! Sorry I'm late.

Aliya: no problem Dhruv but now I need to ask mukti...

And she is interrupted by cabir and navya who enter hand in hand after finishing off with their morning romance. All this while, Nandini is lost in some other thoughts which is noticed by her best friend Dhruv,

Dhruv: (coming close to her and resting his hand on her shoulder) sup girl ? Where are you lost this morning ?

Nandini: nothing. It's just that I'm thinking about Manik.

Cabir: Manik ? That new boy ? What about him ? Oh do you have another prank for him ? Oh I'm so ready for this ! C'mon tell us what's the plan ?

Nandini: there's no plan cabir. It's just that I think I know him. I don't know how and when have I met him but it seems like I know him. Manik ! This name is quite familiar but I can't remember !

Mukti: Nandini don't stress your brains so much yar ! It's alright ! How does it matter whether you know him or not ? Just let it go.

Nandini: you're right mukti it does not matter but then this thought keeps coming into my head and I just can't get rid of it !

Navya: why don't you ask chachi ? I mean you were quite young when you left New York but maybe your mom or dad might have told chachi about New York and maybe about Manik .

Nandini: you're right Navya ! Let me call chachi !

Aliya: why now ? I mean you can ask her at home. It's not that urgent Nandini.

Nandini: (putting her phone away) yeah ! Okay then let's practice !

All of them take their positions and start with their new composition..

Just then, Manik passes by the music room with the file in one hand and his guitar over the shoulder. He stops at the door step enjoying the performance and admiring his lady love. He was very lucky to have got a chance to see her first thing in the morning, he thought to himself. He had been constantly staring and admiring when cabir spotted him and stopped giving the drum beats ! Everyone was disturbed and they glared at him with confusion,

Cabir: sorry guys but we have a trespasser !

All of them look in the direction in which cabir points the drumsticks to find the new nerdy boy Manik standing at the door step. He realises he had so many gazes on him and therefore starts moving out of the room when cabir stops him.

Cabir: (running to him and bringing him in by holding his collar) where are you running away ? You know I was just thinking why wasn't I able to play the drums properly this morning. Do you know why ?

Manik: (softly apologetically) you were playing well cabir.

Cabir: oh is it ? I don't think so. And the reason being I had not yet completed my daily agenda !

Manik looks at him questioningly to which cabir answers,

Cabir: yeah ! My daily agenda. One prank a day ! (Winks)

All the others silently smile and start thinking about some new prank. Cabir looks at them and says,

Cabir: don't worry I have a plan.

Just then Harshad passes by the music room and on seeing Manik there he stops by the door step to see what was going on ? But his bad luck, cabir spots him and calls him in. Harshad wanted to be friends with fab 5 and therefore thought of it as a good opportunity to introduce himself. He entered the room with his cool attitude to which the fab 5 got really furious as they could not stand any fresher act so smart in front of them. Harshad entered and moved towards cabir and held out his hand for a handshake,

Harshad: hi. I'm Harshad Saxena and I'm from New York university.

Cabir: (announces to the others) so it's a double bonanza for all of us !! (Turning to face Harshad and Manik) so the newbies from New York ! Come to the amphitheatre fast !

The fab 5 then leave the room to move towards the amphitheatre and Harshad is left puzzled at the strange welcome.

Manik: come Harshad lets go. They are calling us for our grand welcome to SPACE !

Harshad moves out of the room without responding and Manik follows him with a smirk. They reach the amphitheatre only to find some local public sitting as the audience. Cabir reaches up to them and explains,

Cabir: so finally you guys are here ! Our guests have been waiting for so long. Never mind, now that you have arrived let's start.

Harshad: start ? What start ?

Cabir: oh I completely forgot to tell you. You two have to entertain this audience. These are all tourists who have come from various parts of the country as well as some different parts of the world. They should know how entertaining our Mumbai is so you will show it to them. Go backstage and you'll find Nandini, mukti, aliya and navya with the costumes. They will adorn you and you come up on the stage with a fashion show.

Both Manik and Harshad's mouth falls open at that !

Harshad: fashion show ? Are you mad ?

Cabir: no my boy but if you don't agree to this then you will go mad with our tricks the whole semester. So c'mon quickly get ready. Our audience can't wait any longer.

Harshad thinks for a moment and then agrees as he wanted to make friends with fab 5 and therefore could not dare to do something that would upset any of them. Besides, it's just a fashion show and I'm also quite good looking so I can definitely do this. He therefore moves towards the backstage followed by Manik.

When they reach backstage, navya is waiting with Harshad's costume and Nandini is waiting with manik's costume. Mukti was to help navya and aliya was to help Nandini. But Dhruv calls aliya for some other help and she has to go with him. Nandini let's her go saying she would manage herself.

The costumes were shiny and sparkly skirts with crop tops and matching stoles to go with them. When Manik and Harshad are shown their costumes, their eyes fall out of the sockets and their mouths left wide open ! Harshad tries to argue but then remembers his mission and therefore agrees to it. Manik on the other hand did not mind as the one doing his makeover was Nandini. They were given the clothes to go and change.

Few minutes later, both of them Coke out of the changing rooms. Manik in a pink sparkly long skirt and a blue crop top with a pink stole that he had put around his shoulder from behind. Harshad in green shiney skirt hardly reaching his knees and a golden crop top with a stole in his hand.

At their first sight, mukti, navya and Nandini burst out laughing ! This makes Harshad and Manik feel really embarrassed !

Precap: fashion show !😉


I hope this was fun to imagine. The fashion show is also going to be hilarious. Stay tuned to find out. Thank you !

Manan ff - unconditional love !Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt