We're locked !

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Recap: Harshad and Soha together working towards breaking Manan. Manik and Nandini becoming better friends. Dhrulya giving another chance to their friendship.

Aliya parked her car and was moving towards the college building, searching something in her purse due to which she didn't notice who she passed by. After she had walked a bit ahead, the person called out to her from the back and she turned around, noticing the familiar voice. As she turned around, she was happy as well as nervous to see him, to see Aryaman, her ex boyfriend standing right there in front of her after 3 months.

Aliya and Aryaman had been together since last year when Aryaman had come to SPACE as a competitor from another college for Musicana. Aliya had loved Dhruv all her life but had never realized her feelings. When she met Aryaman, she got attracted towards him and therefore when he proposed to her, she accepted it and they had a healthy relationship for almost 6/7 months after which the truth started popping up, leaving them separated. Aryaman was the one who made Aliya realize her feelings towards Dhruv. At first, he was the possessive boyfriend and things turned into ugly fights but later on when Aryaman realized the whole story, he decided to let Aliya free from the relationship happily.

Aliya was happy to see him after a long long time but she was also nervous and guilty of facing him after what had happened between them. She always used to blame herself for destroying Aryaman's life who had been so loyal and loving towards her all the while they had been together.

Aryaman: (moving towards her) Hello ! Seems like you have a short term memory loss problem. Don't you remember this old Romeo of yours ?

Aliya: (faintly smiling) Of course I remember you Aryaman. How  can you think I'd not ?

Aryaman: Well maybe. The way you were looking at me right now.

Aliya: I'm sorry Aryaman. I'm sorry about everything.

Aryaman: Stop it Aliya ! What is there to be sorry about ? Did I place any allegations on you ? Then why are you taking things on your head ? Okay tell me, if it would have been the other way round, if I would have been after someone else and you had let me go, would you not forgive me ?

Aliya: I don't know Aryaman ! I just know that I'm...

Aryaman: (interrupting her) Okay now enough. Come let's meet the others and Dhruv specially. Tell me what all happened in these 3 months while I was gone.

Manik had to rush for rehearsals and he could not meet Nandini in the morning even though he had to talk to her

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Manik had to rush for rehearsals and he could not meet Nandini in the morning even though he had to talk to her. He had brought their childhood pictures to show to her and wanted to ask her if she could stay back after rehearsals and they could sit and have a look at the pictures together. Since he could not meet her, he texted her during the practice session,

Manik: Hey ! Have a surprise for you. See you after practice ?

Nandini: Sure ! Come over to the jam room after the others leave. I'll stay back and wait for you.

Manan ff - unconditional love !Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt