Nandini's surprise

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Recap: DhruNi union. Manik's surprise plan for Nandini. Manik asks Nandini to trust him and stay away from Harshad. Nandini although curious to find out the whole truth, agrees to him and accepts his plea.

Soha reached the backside of the college where Harshad had already been waiting for her. As soon as Manik had shared about his surprise for Nandini with her, she had informed Harshad to meet her ASAP as she had this wonderful news that could definitely help him.

She reached up there and immediately took him into a bear hug with love. Harshad made a 'whatever' face and hugged her back just softly as if not really interested. Soha noticed that but decided not to ask him about it and ignored assuming it to be her imagination.

Soha: (breaking the hug) I have an awesome news for you baby!

Harshad: (excited) Really? What is it?

She tells him about Manik's surprise for Nandini quickly with all the details he had given to her. That brought a notorious smile on Harshad's face indicating he had another disastrous plan for Nandini. This time he was pretty sure his plan was to work and his mission was to get completed soon.

Manik reached the canteen to find the Fab 5 and Navya sitting on a large table in the corner. He saw Nandini happy with Dhruv and realised the smile she had on her face then, had come up after a long time. He kept admiring her from a distance, relishing her joy and excitement on having all her friends back together as one! He did not wish to interrupt the moment between all of them and therefore started taking a seat far away. But just as he was about to get seated, Mukti spotted him and he had to go join them.

Nandini who had been enjoying her friends' company for quite some time now, blushed faintly and felt nervous as she saw Manik approaching as the recent moments spent with him crossed her mind. His confession at the holi party, the ice cream romance, his concern for her, everything came back to her mind and the bold Nandini Murthy started feeling weak and nervous. Manik did not really notice her nervousness as he had been avoiding looking into her direction while he was joining the others to not let anyone find out his feelings. He took a seat beside Mukti opposite Nandini, still avoiding eye contact.

Mukti: Where were you? We've all been here for so long now!

Manik: Nothing was just assembling the instruments.

Mukti: Okay now I need to talk to you about something. It's about Abhimanyu's dad.

Manik: (confused) Abhimanyu's dad? What happened to him?

Mukti described the whole story of Abhimanyu leaving his home and parents in Delhi as all others listened to her patiently. She had tears in her eyes by the end of it, feeling Abhi's pain of being away from his parents.

Mukti: Actually, he used to work in the Delhi branch and then at your holi party, Abhi saw him there. I just needed to know, had you invited your employees from the other branches as well or was it something else?

Manik: No, we had invited only the ones from the Mumbai branch. Wait, let me find out.

He excuses himself and makes a call immediately. After talking on the phone, he joins the others once again.

Manik: Actually Mukti, as I told you, we had invited only the employees from the Mumbai branch. And, he is an employee from Mumbai and was therefore invited.

Mukti: What? But how is it possible?

Manik: I inquired with the HR department and they said he has been transferred from Delhi to Mumbai just 6 months back.

Mukti's face was blank. She could not understand whether she should be worried for Abhi or happy that he might be able to get back to his parents now that they were in Mumbai.

Manan ff - unconditional love !Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt