Harshad's Plan is on

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Recap: Manik surprised Nandini by getting her Amms and Rishab to Mumbai for Musicana. Both of them went on a long drive when Manik revealed Harshad's secret.

Nandini woke up at 4 am as instructed by Amms even though she had gone to sleep at 1 am after coming back from the long drive with Manik. Amms had asked her to wake up early so that she could help her with the last minute preparations for Musicana. She got dressed and met her Amms in the hall downstairs.

Amms: Nandu why do you seem so tired. I told you to go to sleep early didn't I?

Nandini: Yes Amms I did go to sleep but could not fall asleep till late.

Amms: Oh why dear? is everything alright?

Nandini: Yes Amms everything is alright. Was just really excited for today. Come let's start with the rehearsals.

Amms: No dear I think you should go back to sleep. More than anything else you need proper rest to be fresh during the performance. Go back to sleep.

Abiding by her Amms' instructions she went back to sleep and dozed off immediately as she was actually very tired. She woke up 3 hours later and after getting ready, was looking for Rishab in the whole house but couldn't find him anywhere. She asked Chacha, Chachi and Amms about him but they had no clue about him either.

Nandini: Amms why don't you get him a phone so that we can reach him whenever he's out.

Amms: He's too young Nandu. I'll get him one when he is in college just like you.

Nandini: So that's just 1 year from now right? What difference would it make if you get him one right now?

Amms: (giving out a sigh) Okay listen don't panic so much. We know where he is.

Nandini: Where?

Amms: He...He wanted to get you some gift for your big day so he's gone to buy something. This was supposed to be a surprise and therefore we had to pretend as if we have no clue about him. But in fact he has taken our permission before going.

Nandini: But it's 8.30 in the morning. What would he find at this hour?

Chachi: Actually Nandu he wanted to give it to you before you leave for college because then he would meet you only in the evening when we come to SPACE for the Musicana.

Nandini: Oh God! Why did you all let him go alone?

Chacha: Relax Nandu he'll be back soon. And besides, he's not a small baby anymore.

Nandini: Yeah but for me he'll always be my little brother. And, I don't need any other gift. He's here, Amms is here for my big day, that's all I need.

Chachi: Well now that he has gone for your gift, please just wait till he comes back. He wants you to have it before you go to college.

So Nandini waits for her little brother to arrive with his gift but he doesn't. They wait for another 2 hours after which things start getting tense. It had been such a long time and Rishab wasn't back home yet neither did they know where to look for him in the whole city. Nevertheless, Chacha and Nandu started searching for him around their neighborhood.

Nandini started getting calls from the Fab 5 as she needed to be in college for their last minute preparations but she could not go until she would find Rishab, neither could she bother any of them with the news of him being missing. She did not want the others to stress before the performance and so she kept making excuses for being late.

She then got a call from Manik and she knew he was the one she could share her problem with. But then since even he had a performance in Musicana, she did not wish to bother him as well. So she decided to hide it from him as well. She picked up the call and tried to be calm and composed.

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