The secret revealed

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My apologies for the delay!


Recap: Manik kidnaps Nandini and takes her towards her surprise. Dhruv possessive for Aliya.

Nandini opened her eyes and they fell out of their sockets. She could not believe as she saw her grandmother whom she used to call Amms and her brother Rishab walking towards her. She looked around to find herself outside the arrival gate of the airport and the two most important people of her life walking towards her. Just as she realised it wasn't a dream and she was actually seeing them after such a long time, she rushed towards them and took her Amms into a tight hug. After breaking the hug she took Rishab into a bear hug and kissed his forehead.

She then turned around to find Manik walking towards them. She had tears in her eyes and Manik could sense how happy she was. He reached them with a wide smile on his face and greeted Amms and Rishab before turning towards Nandini.

Manik: (to Nandini) So, do you like your surprise?

Nandini: Like? Are you mad? I love it! This is like the perfect surprise I could ever get! Thank you! Thank you so much! I don't have words to thank you enough.

Amms: Yes Manik dear. Hadn't it been for you, I wouldn't have thought of coming over to be with Nandu for musicana. If you hadn't kept on convincing me over and over, I might not have agreed to give up my music classes for so many days to be with Nandu.

Nandini kept staring at Manik all this while, wondering how could someone care so much for another person to focus more on their happiness rather than on their own performance. Manik noticed her looking at him and gave her a questioning look.

Nandini: So that was the reason Navya was always complaining that you're not really paying attention to the rehearsals. You should have focused on your performance first Manik.

Amms: (to Manik) So even you are participating dear? So then let's go. You should practice. Both of you. Tomorrow is musicana and we're here.

They proceed towards Nandini's place and chacha chachi greet Amms and Rishab as well.

While all of them had been seated in the lounge area, Nandini had been thinking of some way to meet Manik alone so that she could properly thank him. She instantly thought of a plan.

Nandini: Umm Manik, Navya had given me a few notes that I needed to give you so why don't you just come upstairs and I'll give them to you.

Amms: Nandu dear why don't you get those notes here and give them to him?

And Amms had ruined the most perfect plan that she could have thought of.

Nandini: (hesitatingly)! Okay.

Later that evening, as instructed by Amms, Nandini went up to her room to go to sleep early as it was a big day for her the next day. But, she just could not fall asleep. She had been thinking about Manik and the way he had been putting efforts for her, that made her wonder about his actual feelings towards her. He had been almost neglecting his own performance and just focussing on her.

Just when she was thinking about him, it seemed like even Manik could not stop thinking about her and therefore called her up. She instantly picked up the call excitedly.

Nandini: Hello! Hey!

Manik: Hey! I hope I didn't disturb you?

Nandini: No not at all. In fact I had been thinking about you only.

Manik: Me?

Nandini: (nervously) I mean to say, I was feeling thankful to you for getting Amms and Rishab here.

Manan ff - unconditional love !Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt