Falling apart !

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Recap: Manik consoles Mukti and convinces her to share with her friends about Abhimanyu. Aliya gets a shoulder to cry on from Cabir.

The Fab 5, Manik and Navya have gathered in the music room as is their tradition to meet every morning. All of them have arrived except for Mukti. This time everyone is very furious at her behaviour. They have decided to ask her straightaway what the matter is. All of them are impatiently waiting for her.

Nandini: where is she man ?! She is behaving so so so weird ! Today she crossed all limits ! She forgot to pick me up from home. I've been calling her since morning but she's not even answering the calls.

Navya: hope she is not into some trouble. I mean if she's not picking up calls.

Nandini: it's nothing like that. She is clearly avoiding us. I know it. I can feel it. This time I'm not going to forgive her ! Since the last 2 days she wasn't dropping me home and today she did not even pick me up. I had to tell chacha to drop me. I don't like to bother him but what to do ?! Even my car had gone for servicing in the garage !

Dhruv: Nandini relax ! She'll be here soon. After that you can ask her whatever you want to. (He places his hands on her shoulders to calm her down)

This irritates both Manik and Aliya. Manik who had been looking in the direction of Nandini suddenly looks away and Aliya has tears forming in her eyes which she had been controlling for a long time because of what had happened the other day. Cabir notices her tears and places his hands on her shoulders to console her so that she would not break down in front of everyone. He had also shared everything with Navya and so he indicated Navya to take Aliya away so that she could freshen up.

Navya: umm Aliya, I wanna go to the rest room. Would you come with me ?

Nandini: (angrily) we're all discussing about Mukti and you have to go to the rest room ?

Dhruv: Nandini relax babe ! They'll be back soon.

When Nandini does not say anything further, Navya drags Aliya out of the room and takes her to the restroom.

As soon as they enter the rest room, Aliya breaks down in Navya's arms !

Navya: (consoling Aliya) aliya ! What's wrong dear ? Why can't you just forget what happened ?

Aliya: (looking up at Navya surprised) forget ? Really Navya ? Just tell me how am I supposed to do that ? It's not possible ! What he said was really pinching my heart ! And then when I see him in front of my eyes, everything comes back into my head and am unable to control myself.

Navya: I can understand that Aliya ! But for the sake of your friendship with fab 5, you've got to let go right ? And it's you who decided that remember ? Otherwise Cabir was ready to talk to Dhruv about it. But you asked him not to. So please gather yourself together and just remember that there's nothing bigger than your love for your friendship ! And it will all be good !

Aliya: (after thinking for a while) you're right Navya ! It was my decision to stay calm then I need to stick to it ! Okay I will. Come lets go.

She washes her face to freshen up and both of them head back towards the music room. Mukti was still not there and Nandini was losing hope now. She was angry at first but now she was sitting on a chair, as if lost all hope of keeping the Fab 5 together and safe forever ! Manik could not see her like that but was helpless ! He could not run to her in front of everyone and give her a hug which he badly wanted to do ! So he quietly moved out of the room to call Mukti. She wasn't picking up anybody's calls but he hoped she would pick up his call. He tried calling her but she wasn't even picking up his call. Manik was boiling with anger and blaming himself for not having been able to convince Mukti properly to talk to her friends about Abhimanyu. Just then Soha who was passing by the corridor spotted Manik leaning on the railing, his face all sweaty and tensed ! She moved towards him and placed her hand on his shoulder from behind. Manik turned around expecting it to be Mukti but got disappointed on finding Soha.

Manan ff - unconditional love !Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt