Manik to rescue Rishab?

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Recap: Harshad kidnapped Rishab to blackmail Nandini to get the documents. He also trapped Soha but Aryaman reached to her rescue.

Harshad: (on call to Nandini) What? Seems like you don't love your brother enough? Just do as I say. Get the documents and then call me or else I will call you in 45 minutes to inform you of your brother's death.

After disconnecting the call,

Nandini: Let this man come to my hold once! I am going to kill that bastard!

Manik: Nandini relax! We will figure something out. And the police will take care of him.

Aliya: Why can't we just give him some random duplicate papers? How will he come to know? They're some documents related to science project right?! So then...

Manik: We can't do that. His dad has been cheated like that earlier so this time he's going to be too careful. Okay well Cabir, Dhruv, Aryaman, you start searching every nook and corner of the college and girls, you be with Soha as of now. We will take care of all of this. And I will look around the college.

The girls take Soha to the Fab 5's green room and the boys start looking around for Harshad and Rishab.

In the green room, all the girls were too tensed about the situation and constantly trying to overcome with the big shock they had received about Harshad and his insane character. Musicana had already begun with the other colleges performances going on but neither the Fab 5 nor the Thunder 3 were able to concentrate on their music.

Soha was in a shocked depression and was unable to accept the fact that the man she thought she loved, would have been such an evil creature. She was thinking of all her past moments spent with him and was slowly coming to realise that there were times when he did not seem interested in her or their relationship. He would always talk about Nandini and his grudges against her and Manik. She felt so guilty to have fallen for his trap. She was the one who told him about Manik's plan of surprising Nandini after which he got the plan of kidnapping Rishab. She was feeling very guilty about it and therefore got up and moved towards Nandini.

Nandini was sitting in a chair facing the opposite direction when Soha reached up to her and tapped her from behind. She turned around and suddenly a concern formed on her face for Soha.

Nandini: (getting up) Soha! Are you alright dear?

Soha: No.

Nandini: Why?

Soha: I'm sorry Nandini. I'm to be blamed for this situation today. Manik had shared his idea of surprising you by getting Amms and Rishab to Mumbai with me and I went up to Harshad and revealed it all to him. You know he used to tell me that in your childhood, you and Manik used to bully him and also that he really liked you but when Manik found out, he got to you before him just so that he could leave him behind in every respect. He made all of this rubbish stories and I was such a fool to have believed him. I'm sorry. I really am.

Saying that, she hid her face in her hands and started crying. Nandini took her into a hug and patted her back to make her calm down.

Nandini: You are not to be blamed Soha. You have been played along too. I can understand what you must be going through. But please don't blame yourself. You were truthful and honest but that man was a jerk. And don't worry, Manik will definitely take care of him. But, you used to spend time with him right? So, do you remember some place where he used to talk about, some place in the college or near the college or any other clue of that sort? So that we can look for such places first to find Rishab.

Soha: No I don't really remember anything. Actually he never used to tell me his complete plan. He would always just tell me a part of it which has my role in it so I don't really know anything.

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