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Recap: fab 5 plays prank on Manik after which navya takes care of him without informing fab 5..

After having the soup prepared by navya, Manik thanks her and leaves. He takes a taxi back home. His house is more like a mini mansion ! He is the only one staying there as his parents are in New York and the house is a bit too large for a lone person to stay ! He is staying with 4/5 servants. There are 3 cars parked outside his house but he takes none of them to college. He has to hide his identity from the others, specially from Nandini. Although there is no harm in letting them know how rich he is, but to complete his mission he has to stay covered and without gaining too much attention he needs to focus on what he is here for. As he reaches, his butler opens the door for him. He straightaway goes to his bedroom, removes the nerdy spectacles, and gets changed into red shorts and a blue tee. He takes his guitar and starts playing a very old tune, his favourite that he had himself composed with the help of his father. And of course, Nandini was also a part of that composition. His father had helped both of them develop that melody when they were too young to even understand the basic notes but this tune they had learnt very quickly ! He starts thinking about the childhood days, Nandini back then and Nandini now in college. She has changed a lot, he thinks to himself. But of course, we were so young when she left New York, obviously any one would change after that. But she still has that innocence on her face. Although she pretends to be tough in front of the world but I know her heart is too soft to play that bad girl character !

Just when he is lost in her thoughts, his phone distracts him. He picks it up without looking at the caller ID and speaks up in an irritated tone,

Manik: hello ! (He almost shouts it out)

It's his dad calling,

Dad: hey my son ! What's wrong ?

Manik: (suddenly realising his mistake) oh sorry dad ! Nothing. I'm completely fine !

Dad: well that's great ! So how are you my son ?

Manik: I'm doing fine ! Just came back from college.

Dad: ohh that's nice. So how is your college ? Do you like it ?

Manik: yes of course dad ! It's the best music college in India ! Why wouldn't I like it ?

Dad: hmm.. Did you see her ?

Manik: (blushing) I met her dad !

Dad: that is wonderful news son ! So are you two friends ?

Manik: (after a long pause thinking about the prank she had played on him along with the others) not yet ! But dad, what I am here for does not require me to make friends !

Dad: that's true son, it does not require you to make friends but there's no harm in making friends. Okay I understand about Nandini why you won't make her a friend instantly, that's because you are shy !

Manik: I'm not shy dad ! It's just that, it's been a very long time, she didn't even recognise me so then what should I say to her. Besides, it's good that she didn't recognise me. I need to hide my identity. Dad did you talk to her chacha and chachi about me ? Did you inform them not to tell her about me ?

Dad: yes I have informed them. They were quite concerned about her you know when I told them the whole thing.

Manik: I can understand that but you please assure them that I am here to handle everything and so they need not worry.

Dad: yeah I did tell them. So we were talking about your friends.

Manik: yeah ! Yes I did make one friend. Well not exactly a friend but she helped me with something today so I guess we are friends.

Manan ff - unconditional love !Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt