DhruNi unison !

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Recap: Manik and Nandini's sizzling ice cream romance that initiated some more feelings in both of their hearts for each other.

The Thunder 3's practice had begun early morning in the music room for Musicana but Manik's heart was lost in Nandini. He wasn't able to concentrate too well in the rehearsals and that made Navya and Soha have to bring him back to the real world in order to focus on music. He realized his mistake and started trying to focus better.

Nandini reached the jam room blushing while thinking about last night. She had been humming some song out of the happiness her heart had been full of. As she entered, she saw Dhruv sitting on a stool tuning his guitar. He too looked up at her on hearing the happy humming. He had always wanted her to be happy but this happiness it seemed to him was at the stake of his own friendship and happiness. He wasn't really mad at her anymore but he sure was hurt.

It was just the two of them in the jam room then and he decided to ignore talking to her as he believed it was something she had been doing for quite some time now. Nandini suddenly started feeling guilty on seeing her best friend. She missed those days when both of them would jam together and be happy together. She had wanted to talk to him since the day she had rejected his proposal but the circumstances never permitted. Now, she believed was the time to go ahead and speak up.

Nandini: (moving forward towards him) Hi Dhruv !

Dhruv: (without any expressions) Hi.

Nandini: Dhruv, I want to talk to you. Could you please give me one chance ?

Dhruv: Talk about what Nandini ? It's cool. I'm fine. You don't need to bother. Why spoil your happy mood ?

Nandini: Dhruv please ! It's not like I don't care ! I really do. It's just that, I did not know what to say to you and you were so mad at me I was...scared !

Dhruv: Scared ? Of your best friend ? Really Nandini ?

Cabir and Aliya reached the jam room together to find Dhruv and Nandini discussing their topic and therefore waited outside giving them their time.

Nandini: I'm sorry Dhruv ! I really am ! I know I hurt you a lot but I never ignored the fact that you're my best friend and will always be ! I miss my friend. Can I not have him back ?

Dhruv: How do you say you never ignored that fact ? Because since the past few days, it seems like you never believed in our friendship. Yes I proposed to you and was upset, but I also needed my best friend then ! Where were you when I needed you the most ? Call it your self respect or your ego, but you never gave full efforts to make things right. I waited for you Nandini, all this while ! And you, were nowhere to be seen. It seemed as if you did not care whether I was just or not !

She stood there with her head bent low, ashamed of her actions as well as apologetic. She did not have any words to express her apologies and therefore stayed quiet and let him speak up. She knew Dhruv was not a bad person at heart and when he was hurt he just needed to burp out whatever was in his heart and then things would automatically be sorted out.

Dhruv: Now, are you even going to apologize ?

She looked up to find him smiling at her and that made her rush towards him to give him a bone crushing bear hug.

Nandini: I'm sorry Dhruv ! I'm really sorry for not being there ! I promise this won't happen ever again !

Dhruv: (smiling and hugging her back) It's okay !

Nandini: (breaking the hug) Can I ask you something ? If you don't mind ?

Dhruv: Let me answer it myself. No it wasn't love. It was a huge crush I had on you but since the time you rejected me in front of the entire college, I realized how stupid I was being ! I was crushing on my best friend ?! That was something really weird ! And you know what was the thing that made me realize that ?

Manan ff - unconditional love !Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt