What is it that I feel with you Manik ?

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Recap: All the members of the Fab 5 have been separated and for the first time are away from each other. Everyone disturbed about the problems. Manik wanting to be there for Nandini.

Manik could not resist going to Nandini to be with her in her bad time. The thought of Nandini being alone and sad would just not leave his head forcing him to reach up to her. He got up from his bed, took his car and left for Nandini's place.

Nandini was sitting near the window of her room playing the Fab 5's song on her guitar, the soft breeze blowing her hair in the air, her eyes looking at nowhere outside the window, thinking about her family, Fab 5, her eyes full of tears. She had not shared anything with anyone in the house after coming back from college but since she was home early and not speaking anything, Chachi knew there was something wrong with her Nandu. She had been waiting for her to come downstairs by herself but she didn't. Finally, Chachi herself went up to her room to check on her. She peeped in from the door to find her sitting near the window and playing that song on the guitar. Even she got teary eyes on seeing her Nandu in that condition. She knew there was something wrong with Fab 5 but wanted to know what the matter was so that maybe she could intervene and solve it. But she knew she had to keep patience and stay away from those matters. The Fab 5 would themselves have to solve them. She was standing there at the door step, looking at Nandini lost in her thoughts, when the door bell rang downstairs. The door bell made Chachi jerk from her thoughts but Nandini did not move a bit, and not even blinked her eyes. This made Chachi worry more but she ran downstairs to open the door expecting it to be Murthy ji but was surprised to find Manik.

Chachi: Manik !

Manik: Hello Chachi. How are you ?

Chachi: (faking a smile) I'm good. How are you ?

Manik: Chachi please don't mind me saying this but I caught your fake smile. I know you're not good and neither is Nandini.

Chachi: Please come in beta.

Manik gets inside and gets seated on the couch. Chachi gets into the kitchen to get some water for him. She brings a glass full of water and hands it to Manik. Manik takes the glass and then passes it back to Chachi without drinking it.

Manik: (passing the glass to Chachi) please have it. You need it. I'm okay.

Chachi takes it from his hands, tears forming in her eyes which she instantly wiped away with her dupatta.

Chachi: You know I've never seen Nandini so quiet. She had always been the spark of this house. Even though she would come home late and because of spending time with her friends, she would be able to pay very less attention to us, but she was still the joy of this house. And today, even when she is home, this house seems to be empty !

She starts weeping and feels embarassed at that and so tries to control her tears by hiding her face in her dupatta. Manik comes forward, bends in front of her on his knees, and holds her hands in his,

Manik: Chachi please don't lose heart ! I promise you I will get your Nandu back ! In fact that's what I'm here for.

Chachi looks up at him with hope in her eyes and gives him a smile.

Manik: Can I go up ?

Chachi allows him with a smile and a nod and Manik quietly climbs up the stairs to Nandini's room. As he moves towards her room he hears the guitar playing in a dark room. The background music to the guitar tune was Nandini's weeping. In between the tune, she had been weeping softly trying to control her emotions and lock them in her heart. Manik stood outside the room for some time, observing her from a distance. After some time Nandini stopped playing the guitar and kept looking out of the window. Manik had also got his guitar with himself and after few minutes of silence, he started playing from the door which made Nandini surprisingly turn around.

Manan ff - unconditional love !Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt