Changes acceptance

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Sorry friends about the irregular updates. I could not update manan ff on Tuesday. Actually I am on a holiday.


Recap: The Fab 5, Thunder 3 along with Aryaman and Rishab went for a picnic at Manik's farmhouse. Nandini announced that she wished to leave music aside to fulfil her dad's dream project.

Mukti: How can you say that choti? Don't you remember? Fab 5 was never to be broken?

Nandini: I'm not talking about breaking Fab 5. I'm asking for this only for music.

Cabir: No but even for music, it's Fab 5 Nandini! How can you even say that?

Aliya: Yeah and as unacceptable it is taking Manik into Fab 5, it is unfair for The Thunder 3 as well. They are a band and Manik joining Fab 5 would break them as well.

Navya: Umm I'm not supporting or talking against anything here but we, the Thunder 3 already had an agreement that we are together only for Musicana. I wish to train personally for classical music and Soha too is planning on shifting to London with her dad. She wants to continue her musical career there. She was here for...

She looked at Soha and cut off the talk not wanting to depress her further. The others were confused and wished to know what she had been talking about. There was a faint silence for sometime while Soha kept looking down at her hands resting in her lap and all the others resting their eyes on her, waiting for a continuation.

Soha: I was here for Harshad. I met him in New York last year when I was there on a Holiday with my friends. I so fell in love with him right then that I instantly convinced my dad to let me continue my graduation from India. My dad was never too convinced with Harshad but he let me follow my heart. He did warn me about him several times but I never listened to him. I wish I had.

Aryaman who had been sitting beside her, placed his hand on her hands lying in her lap and squeezed them, assuring her of a brighter future. She looked up at him, tears welling up in her eyes and then let go of his hold on her hands, got up and left. They had been sitting in the garden then and she moved to her room inside the farmhouse.

Nobody continued the conversation further and all of them departed to their respective rooms one by one. Nandini stayed there and Manik who had been moving in expecting her to follow, stopped at a distance and turned around to find her still sitting there with her head bent low. He looked around to find that all the others had already left and then moved towards her.

She did not notice him coming and therefore stayed there in the same position without moving. He settled beside her in the grass slowly and she realised his presence around. Without looking up at him, she said,

Nandini: You know I had grown up with the thought of being like my dad. When he was around, he used to teach me stuff and keep me around while working as he knew I loved it all. Somewhere in his heart, even he had the dream of seeing me beside him someday. But he never forced it on me. He would still teach me to think over things and follow my heart. So, I wanted to do that, follow my heart. I had such a tough time convincing Amms into allowing me to join a science college and fulfill my dad's dream. Amms always wanted me to be into music as she saw some sort of hidden talent of music in me, something which I never saw in myself. But she did. Nevertheless, she agreed to let me go into science on the condition that I won't completely leave music aside. I liked music as well so I agreed to that condition. But it seems like destiny had different plans. I never found those documents and that made Amms convince me into taking music. She wasn't wrong. Over these two years of my musical journey, I did realise some of that hidden talent she always used to talk about. But now, I have my path ahead of me, waiting for me to come walk on it, and now there's my friends. I don't understand, why can't I follow my heart like Appa asked me to. He never told me that it would be so difficult to follow your own heart. I don't know what to do ?! I do not wish to let anyone be upset because of me, I want all of them to be happy with me, for me. But then, why won't they just understand what I want ?!

Manan ff - unconditional love !Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt