Bike ride

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Recap: Manik saves a boy, takes him to the hospital. He finds out about Mukti's secret. Aliya gets jealous of Dhruv and Nandini together and starts drinking a lot ! She faints and Dhruv takes her home. Manik offers to drop Nandini home on his bike.

While moving towards the parking, Manik asks Nandini to wait outside and he would get the bike there. When he arrives on his R15, Nandini is unable to take her eyes off him. Though he was a nerd in those glasses, but on the bike he looked dashingly handsome ! She kept staring even when he reached her and stopped the bike near her. He blushed at her gaze on him but then said,

Manik: You wanna come ?

Nandini: Ye-ah !

She began sitting on the back seat and unknowingly slowly placed her hand on Manik's shoulder for support to climb up which got sensations in both of their bodies. As soon as she placed her hand, Manik who had been looking in the front, waiting for her to settle herself, turned around and looked at her, and even she looked up to him. Their eyes met and both of them freezed in that moment ! Few minutes later, a car started honking at them as they had been standing in the middle of the way and that broke their eye lock. Nandini quickly moved aside and Manik moved the bike making way for the car to go. The driver of the car, stopped by them and shouted angrily, " Go romance somewhere else and not in the middle of the way." Both of them were embarrassed at that.

Nandini then quickly seated herself on the bike trying not to touch him and maintain a distance as the other driver's comment about romance was still going on in her mind. But she had a problem, whenever she was on a two wheeler sitting behind someone, she had to keep her hand on the other person's shoulders, it was a habit. She used to do it always with Mukti but was not able to do it with Manik. Manik saw in the rear view mirror how she was controlling her hand from not falling on his shoulders. While he was looking into the rear view mirror, a car suddenly passed by and he had to instantly stop the bike which gave a jerk to both of them and Nandini's body fell over Manik's back with her hands on his shoulders. She was about to take them away when Manik stopped her by putting his hands over hers on his shoulder.

Manik: It's okay. You can hold me if you want.

Nandini: (giving him a thanking smile) Thanks !

Manik removes his hands from hers and starts the bike when Nandini stops him.

Nandini: (almost shouting) Oh wait !

Manik: (scared) What happened ?

Nandini: Ice cream !

Manik: What ? Ice cream ? At this time ?

Nandini: (pointing at an ice cream parlor across the road) Over there ! Come let's go.

Manik takes the bike towards the ice cream parlor and feels excited on seeing the child like Nandini coming out of the tough girl. He was also relieved to see that maybe just for a while but she had forgotten about Mukti's problem.

Nandini: Black current for me please !

Manik turns around to look at her jolly face, gives her a smile and goes forward to get her the ice cream.

Few minutes later he returns with a cup full of black current ice cream for Nandini.

Manik: Here you go.

Nandini: (taking the cup from his hand) Thank You ! But where's yours ?

Manik: I don't wanna eat one.

Nandini: No that's not fair ! Come then share from mine..

Manik: Oh no it's alright..

Nandini: It's not alright for me ! C'mon have it ..

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