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Recap: Harshad tricked Nandini and got her caught with goons who tried to harass her. Manik and Dhruv reach at the right time and save her. Fab 5 really thankful to Manik and declare another party to treat their new friend. Harshad pissed at the situation as his plan to save Nandini and become hero in her eyes, failed!

Fab 5 are jamming in the music room and navya and Manik are observing their performance from a distance. Navya staring at cabir and Manik at his love Nandini ! But soon manik's eyes lower down from her face when he finds Nandini and Dhruv passing glances at each other. He feels really downhearted as he cannot see his love with someone else but is left in a fix as he also wants her happiness and realises that it is for her happiness that he would have to accept what is in front of his eyes. Navya notices the sudden change of expressions on Manik's face and asks,

Navya: what happened ? Are you alright ?

Manik: (shaking away the disturbing thoughts and bringing a soft smile on his face, turning to face navya) yes of course ! Why ?

Navya: (realising he is hiding something but decides to ignore) nothing. So ? Musicana is coming up ! Aren't you going to participate ?

Manik: yes of course !

Navya: (killing his excitement) don't be so excited ! You need a band to participate in musicana. Do you have a band ?

Manik takes a look at fab 5 and navya continues,

Navya: don't even think about it ! Fab 5 won't even include me into their band ! How would they take you ?!

Manik: no I wasn't thinking that ! Even if they would take me, I would deny.

Navya: why ?

Manik: no ! Don't take me wrong ! I am a fan of fab 5. But would never dare to interfere in such a pure friendship.

Navya: that's true ! Actually that is a reason even I have never asked for it. I know they won't deny me if I ask but I would not like it myself.

Manik: even you are without a band ?

Navya: yeah ! Oh but don't even think like you and me !

Manik: why not ?

Navya: where in the world have you seen a band with just 2 people ?

Manik thinks for a moment and then says,

Manik: so but we can find someone to be the third member !

Just then the music stops as fab 5 had just completed their jamming session and someone from outside the room starts clapping. It is Harshad !

Harshad: (still clapping and entering the class room) too good guys ! Seriously ! Hats off man ! Fab 5 is the best band I've ever heard of !

Cabir, aliya, mukti, Dhruv and Nandini make pale faces at his words. Harshad still keeps clapping for some more time and then comes nearer and continues in a sweet accent, very unlike him.

Harshad: look guys I know we haven't had a good start. But can't we all forget everything and be friends ?

Cabir: I find something fishy ! Why are you so eager to be our friend ?

Harshad: c'mon cabir bro ! Who wouldn't want to be friends with fab 5 ?!

Dhruv: yeah cabir he is right ! But sorry bro ! Friendship with fab 5 ain't that easy !

Mukti: got it ? So now, just leave !

Manik chuckles softly on seeing Harshad's plans failing one after the other. Harshad leaves without uttering another word. Just then mukti's phone rings and she moves out of the room to take the call. All the others look at each other wondering who must it be that mukti had to move out of the room. They are all really tensed and most of all it is Nandini as she fears that their band, their group might break down if all of them start keeping secrets. Manik notices the stress on her face and decides to talk to her later about it.

Manan ff - unconditional love !Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt