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- Do not tolerate disrespect not even from your self.


Kijani Cebra | Jani

"Hey Jamal" i said

"Who are you" he said scared

I got his ugly broke ass walking on the street i followed him and got his ass when no one was around.

He couldn't see me cuz i put a sack on his head.

I snatched the sack off his head.

"I hate being disrespected Jamal" i said

"How did you find me" he said trying to get out of the chains

"Don't try but i hope you had a nice couple of days" i said

"Why am i here?" he asked

"Your here cuz im finna kill you" i said with a smile

"Your crazy man" he said

"Of course im fuckin crazy im Kijani Cebra" i said

"Your Kijani Cebra as in Jani C. The most famous girl dealer in cali" he said

"Yup thats me" i said

"This not how I thought you would look, Your small" he said

"okay well I'm Jani C. Now that, that's out the way lets get this over with."

I grabbed the knife and cut off his tounge.

He began to scream

"That's for calling me out of my name and being disrespectful." i said

He began to cry

Then i slit his throat. I watched him die then i went and cleaned up the mess my self.

I cant trust no one but my best friend with my dirty work so when i work solo i do every thing my self.

I washed my hands and took the plastic off my shoes and the plastic jacket and burned it.

When i finished i burned Jamal too. I did his family a favor and cremated him for them. Ig he not going six feet under no more.

Then i dropped the ashed in the river.
And in perfect timing kentrell texted me

Kennyboii: Where you at?

Janijan: On my way home i need a quick shower.

Kennyboii: Okay i wanna go shopping with you.

Janijan: Okay meet me at the house and i will get ready and we'll go in your car.

Kennyboii: Okay

When i got home i went straight to the shower and did my hygiene stuff.

When i got out Kentrell was opening the door with the key i gave him.

"Hey ken" i said

"Hey Jani, go get ready so we can go" he said

"Okay I'll be out" i said

I went in my room and put on some black ripped jeans and a white spaghetti strap shirt with a black leather jacket with my red Timbs.

I brushed my hair and put on some eye liner and mascara then walked out the room ready to go.

"Ready?" i asked

"been ready" he said standing up "lets go"

We went in his car and drove of to the mall.

"What did you do today?" kentrell asked

"Ohh nothing but i did kill some one today" i said

"Again, why? " he asked

"He disrespected me at my own table and called me out my name twice" i said holding up two finger's

"Ok just cuz he came to you and disrespected you imma let it slide but you have to stop killing nigga's, you dont even kill females im surprised you ain't ask me for help this time"

"I do kill females, just not a lot of them i just put them in hospitals" i protested

"Mhm okay" he said

He parked the car and we stepped out the car lookin fresh as fuck, i never go out looking ugly or slump.

We walked in the mall and the girls wished they we're with ken mugged me and looked at kentrell with lust. The boys who wished they were with me looked at me with lust.

Im over her like uhuh and kentrell hoe ass is enjoying all of it.

"where you wanna go kentrell?" i asked

"Lets go to true religion" he said

"Ohh i can use some more jeans too" i said happily

"It's like when you shopping thats the only time you ever smile." he said

"Cuz thats the time I'm ever happy other times people making me mad and acting stupid" i said as we walked into the store

"You just anti social" he said

"no I'm not i have plenty of associates i just have one actual friend and that's you" picking a pair of pants

"i feel privileged" he said

"shut up" i said

He laughed

We picked out some stuff and went to the register.

The girl was eyeing ken and he wasn't even paying attention i laughed a little.

She rang up his stuff and he payed her she gave him the change and slid him her number.

He took it then when we got far enough he threw it away.

We shopped a lot of other places then we got some food. After we ate we went to my place. Then we watched some movies for the rest of the night.


Kentrell in the mm

Excuse the mistakes please.

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