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Kijani Cebra | Jani

I laughed as we walked out the to the car.

"Shut the hell up Darren yo slow ass" i said

"Im dead ass Jani, that shit was ugly" he explained

"I bet you it wasn't even that bad, stop exaggerating" i said

"Im not, that rat was huge bruh and it was running after me at the college" he said

"What ever you say" i said

"Alright don't believe me then" he said

We got in the car and Markus got in the drivers seat cause he's driving the car.

"Can we go to the mall?" Janay asked

"I don't mind, im going out to show them the place so theu don't get board" i said

"Okay" she said

Markus began to go out the driving way.

"Wait" i said making him stop the car

"What?" he asked

"I need to see if they looking good cause I can't have my family out with me looking ugly" i said turning around to look at what everybody have on

"Really Jani" they said

"Yeah i never go out looking ugly so the people with can't look ugly either" i said

I looked for a good minute then i turned back around

"Okay you can go they look good" i said

Markus shook his head with a smile. He pulled out of the driveway and drove to the mall.

When we got to the mall it was fuckin packed. Im sitting here wondering why the hell it was so much people today.

We walked into the mall and Chantal pulled us into a store with a bunch of heels.

"Chantal we don't wanna be in here" Nick said

"So i just want some shoes dang Nick calm down" she said

She walked around looking for some shoes.

From across the room i saw a cute pair of floral shoes.

I walked over to them and picked them up and examin them, they look good so i picked them out and walked to the register but on the way its cute pair of nude heels i grabbed those too and asked the lady in the front for my size.

While i was waiting Chantal came up with her shoes.

The lady gave me my shoes and i went to the other girl at the register.

She rung up the shoes

"88.96" she said i pulled out my black card and paid for the shoes

"Oo okay i see Jani with the big big black card." Martin

I laughed "yeah i got it a few years ago. "

"We see you" Darren said

They rung up chantals shoes but before she pulled out her money i stopped her

"I'll pay for it" i said

"You don't have too" she said

"I want to just consider it as a gift since i haven't seen you in forever" i said paying for the shoes

The lady gave me the receipt i put it in her bag and have her the shoes.

"Thank you" she said

"You're welcome"

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