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Kijani Cebra | Jani

3 months later...

So i'm 8 months pregnant and its hell, i can tell my baby girl gonna be a hand full when she gets out of here.  I was getting ready to go out with Raye and she wouldn't let me. i sat down on the bed and called to help me. 

"Baby!" i yelled


"Come help me." 

He walked into the room from the bathroom

"Bae why aren't you getting ready" he asked

"She wont let me get ready" i said trying to sit up "she keeps kicking can you help me please"  

He laughed "Okay come here"

"You see i'm struggling to get up and you talking about some come here" i said mean mugging him

He laughed harder "Oh shit"

"Baby stop playing" i whined 

"Okay where are your clothes?" he asked

"There right there on the chair" i said

He got them and came over to me he helped me up and he slid the dress over my head and pulled it down he helped me with my brown gladiator sandals.

"Thanks b- ouch" i said holding my stomach

Markus quickly came over too me

"Bae you okay?" he asked with worry on his face

"Yeah I'm- ouch!!" i said a little louder the baby is legit hurting me i don't know whats wrong

"Baby talk to me" he said

"I'm fine the baby probably just kicking too hard" i said finally getting to finish a sentence

"You sure?"

"Yeah, can you help up please?"

He helped me up and a sharp pain came through my body

"Ahh" i screamed "what the fuck"

"Bae are you going in labor?"

"No its to early, i don't know what it is but it just hurts" i said squeezing on his shoulder

"Okay lay back down and try to relax"

I laid on my back and took deep breaths.

Soon the pain when away and i felt better. Shit these back pains ain't no joke.

I got up and went over to the counter and sprayed on some perfume and put in some earrings and my necklace.

"Baby we need to get going" i said


"I can't wait to shop for my baby girl. I'm legit gonna go over board and spoil her"

Markus looked at me


"You not finna make my baby no spoiled little girl that take no for an answer now.

"I wont go that far now but she will be spoiled"

"She shouldn't be ion wanna be yelling at my child for being disrespectful because she ain't have it her way"

"Baby trust me it well never get to that point" i said

"Never say never"

"Don't do that"

"Do why I'm just saying"

"And I'm saying it wont happen so calm down"

He didn't say nothing he just grabbed his keys and went outside.

I shook my head and finished getting ready ion have time for this.

I got my purse and walked down the stairs and went to the car.

He started the car and pulled out the drive way.

I can tell this is gonna be a quiet ride to the mall.

Before we got to the mall i decided to speak.



"Are you mad?" i asked

"No why?"

"You're so quiet"

"I cant be quiet no more?"

"You can but you too quiet"


I looked at him and didn't say nothing. He parked in a parking space and i got out the car. Since he don't wanna talk and shit I'll shop for my baby by myself.

I walked to the baby store and bought all these cute baby cloths and shoes all these little cute accessories for her clothes.

I jumped from store to store leaving Markus black ass behind with all the bags since he wanna be a lil Biitch.

Im the pregnant one and i feel like he in his feelings more than i am.

When i bought all the clothes and shoes for her i walked my happy ass to the car and waited for Markus in the car while he struggles to get all the stuff to the car.

When he finally got into the car i told him to go to Lowe's.

We got there and i went and picked out some paint for her room. 

I know exactly how i want it to look.

We paid for the paint and we got in the car.

I asked him to stop buy another store so i can buy furniture. When we got there i found the cutest crib and i saw this cute mirror i got it and i got some blocks to put her name on the door and initials on top of her crib. I got some more things i would need then i paid for everything and we made our way home.

By the time we got home it was late and i was tired. We had help putting the stuff in her room. 

Then i made my way to my room. I took off my clothes and walked to the bathroom. I wiped the make up off my face then washed it. I brushed my hair up into a ponytail then walked back into the room. I took my bra off then put in a oversized shirt. When i finally finished what i had to do i laid on my bed and got comfortable.

I needed some sleep




Excuse any mistakes

Hey guys I think the book is going to be over soon. I don't km now when but it will be over just don't know how to end it yet.

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