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Kijani Cebra | Jani

I started the car but sat there for a while because i wasn't thinking clearly right now. I honestly don't know why.

Once i got my self together i put the car in drive and pulled out of the bus station.

I was driving and i stopped at a red light. I was trying to get home quickly so i can lay down, i really don't feel like myself.

The light turned green so started driving. Then next thing I know im upside down and everything is getting black.


Nobody's POV

Jani lay unconscious in her now recked upside down car.

The ambulance came as quick as possible and rushed her to the hospital.

Mean while Markus was at home in the living room sitting at the edge of his seat waiting for her to walk through the door. But she didn't, he figured she probably went to get food so he sat back in his chair and opened the TV and tried to relax and do his best to get comfortable.

But he couldn't he felt like something was wrong with her but he just didn't know what it was.

He pulled out his phone and called her but there was no answer.

Which made him worry even more.

He loves Jani with everything in him and its killing him not knowing where she was.

What's wrong with his girl? Why isn't she picking up? She always picks up the phone.

He texted her asking her if she's okay no answer.

He was recking his brain thinking of all the things that could have possibly happened.

He paced the living room and scrached his head.

That was something he did when he was worried.

He picked up his phone and called his dad

He picked up

"Hello? Pops?" he said as soon as he picked up

"Hey son wassup?"

"Have you seen Jani?" he asked "She was supposed to be home 30 minutes ago but she's not here"

"No, im not even at the trap" his father said

"She's not answering her phone" he said

"Fisrt calm down she might be in the--

"Hold on im getting a call" Markus said switching the calls

"Hello?" he said quickly

"Hello this is St. Carol hospital calling is this Kijani Cebra's boyfriend" a voice said

When he heard that he knew something was wrong

"Yes" he said

"Im sorry to say but she's been in a car accident and she is in critical condition, get her as soon as possible" the voice said

"What?!!" he yelled through the house making Janey run down the stairs looking sicker than ever

"W-what happened?" she asked as Markus dropped himself on the couch

"We have to go Jani go in an accident and she is in critical condition we have to go!" he said

"Pops Jani is in critical condition we have to go" he said

"What?! which hospital?" he asked

" St. Carol" he said

"Im on my way" he said hanging up

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