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Kijani Cebra | Jani

"Bae ion think Jeulz like me" Markus said laying next to me

"Why you say that? " i laughed

"Cause every time we together she always try to get in between us" he said

I laughed

"You're over exaggerating, you know Jeulz is my baby girl"

"I know that but she is taking advantage of you when we together she always finds a way to take you away from me whether its to play or to get her some food. There's so much other people in the house and she only wants to play with you come on now she don't want me around you. When you dont want to play with her she start to cry, sorry to say bae but you're a push over." he shrugged

I thought about it and the push over part is true, i am one when it comes to her.

"You're right about the push over part but ion know about her not liking you Jeulz is such an angle"

"Not all angles are good" he said

" I guess I'll see"

"You will" he said "Example she always stoping shit we didn't even get to have sex yesterday"

"Well we can now" i said closing the door with a smirk

He smiled and i walked over to him.

I straddled him but that shit ain't work so i repositioned myself.

We kissed with so much passion

He took my shirt off and I did the same with his.

He began to place wet kisses on my neck and collarbone making me moan.

He sucked on my spot leaving a hickey then licked it.

I heard alot of noises by the door but I ignored it .

He unbuttoned my pants and pulled it down along with my panties.

"We gotta be quick" i said

He nodded

He pulled down his pants, spread my legs as far as they could go and he slid in carefully.

He pumped in and out and i moaned out in pleasure.

"Go faster" i said

He did as i said and went faster he leaned over and kissed me.

I pulled him closer to me and clawed at his back.

"What's my name" he grunted

"Markus" i moan

He went deeper and harder

"What? "

"M- Markus"

He pulled out and slammed into me.

"Stop playing, what's my name" he said in a low sex voice

"Daddy" i said

"I can't hear you baby " he said in my neck

My leg began to shake and i felt that feeling come over me.

"Daaddyy!" i said releasing all over him

He flipped me over and made me get on all fours

"Arch that back"

I did as told and started throwing it back.

I moaned loudly

"Shh" he said

I buried my face in the pillow in front of me and he slid in going deep.

He slid out and turned me around and we kissed sloppily.

He picked me up and walked me to the bathroom. On the way there i placed wet kisses on his neck then began to kiss on his spot.

"Stop if you don't want me to drop you" he said

I smiled against his neck and sucked on his spot, licked it then i blew in it.

He sat me on the counter and stood between my legs and kissed me softly.

"I see you don't listen, i should have dropped you" he said

I smirked

"I ain't want to" i said hugging him

He put his head in the crook of my neck

"I love you" he said

"I love you too" i said

He pulled away kissed my forehead and ran some bath water.

He made the water with extra bubbles, when the water was good enough he closed picked me up and sat me in the tub and fixed my leg carefully.

He got in after me.

We began to scrub ourselves off.

"I can't wait to get this off"

"It'll be off in no time" he said

"I miss my shoes, the first thing imma do when i take this off is break in a new pair of Jordan's. I saw some i wanted"

"You need to buy some heels more often" he said

"I have a lot of them here" I said "I bought some new ones before i got in the accident"

"But you never wear them"

"I do just when i need to actually dress up and pull out the heels" I said

"I guess, but one day i want you to wear heels when we go out"


"But after your cast come off i was invited to this thing and i want you to come with me " he said

"Okay, imma buy a new outfit" i said

"No, you got so much clothes you don't wear and it don't make no sense. You wearing something from the closet."

"O my gosh, really bae"


I shook my head

"Anyway imma go see jay at the trap after i take the cast off, cause imma be ready to work. I know he got something for me "

Markus's face dropped

He didn't even say anything

I ignored it

"Can you help me out" i said after i finished up

He finished up then he helped me out the tub.

I dried my legs then wrapped the towel around my body.

I walked in to the room behind Markus and got a bra and pantie from the cabinet.

I dried myself and slipped them on

I put in some shorts a white tank top. I slipped on one of my white Rihanna fenty fur slippers.

I opened the door as Darren and Sasha passed by.

Darren made a noise

"Uhuh in there smell like sex, yall nasty asses" Darren said

I laughed

"Shut up "

Sasha winked at me

"I see you girl"

I shook my head

Darren walked down the hallway and yelled
"Guess who finally got some"

I quickly got to him and covered his mouth

"Shut up"




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