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Kijani Cebra | Jani

Its been a week since i found out i was pregnant and i havent told anyone.

I don't want to admit it yet.

But im finna tell everyone today, starting with jay.

We finna go to his house right now.

I put on a cute little outfit and fixed my hair and sprayed some perfume on my body.

I put on a cute little outfit and fixed my hair and sprayed some perfume on my body

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I was looking cute

I told everyone i'd be back then me and Markus went to jay's house.

I knocked on the door and Sy'Nia opened the door with a smile on her face.

"Hey Sy'Nia" i smiled giving her a hug

"Hey baby what brings you guys here?" she said after hugging Markus

"We came to talk to pops" Markus said

"Oh let me get him for you" she said

"Baby get down her, Markus and Jani are here to see you"

He came down stairs with a smile then gave me a big hug and kissed my cheek then he hugged Markus.

"Hey pops" he said

"Hey son what brings you guys here?"

"We have something to tell you" i said getting straight to the point

"Okay sit down and tell me what is it"

We sat down and i looked at Markus.

"So what is it?"

"Well im pregnant" i said just ripping the bandaid off.

"Really, how far along are you?" he asked

"1 month and 3 weeks" I said

"And you didn't know?"

"No i hadn't gained any weight and i feel normal"

"Oh, but im happy im gonna finally have a grandchild, even though i too young for grandbabies" he said

I laughed

"Im glad your happy"

"Congratulation" he said hugging Markus

He kissed my cheek and Sy'Nia hugged me

"Congratulations hun"

"Thank you" i smiled

"You're welcome, You're gonna be a mother! " she said excitedly

I laughed at how happy she was

"Why you so happy?"

"I love babies, and you having a baby" she said

I smiled

Jay came to me and pulled me into another room.

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