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Kijani Cebra | Jani

"I'm gonna miss you guys" i said hugging all of them

"Were gonna miss you too jani" Nick said

"Even though mom is gone and that dosent really consider you our family, we still love you and you are still family always. It isn't blood that makes us family its love" Chantal said holding my hand

"I appreciate that i really do" i said hugging her

"We're so happy we got to spend time with you" Alizee said

"I'm happy too, i hope to see you guys again"

"Love you Jani" Martin said

"Awe love you too" i said tearing up

Im really gonna miss them they are the best i honestly thank God for them. Im also happy their not like their brother and father.

We all hugged again before they got on their bus

I got to my baby girl Juelz.

I smiled and hugged her picking her up.

"Im gonna miss you Juelz you gonna miss me?" i asked

She nodded sadly

"Awe don't be sad im gonna see you again" i said

"Okay" she said wiping the tears that came down her face

"No don't cry baby" i said hugging her tighter

"Im miss you" she sniffled

"Imma miss you too jue, so ,so ,so much you're my baby girl" i said with a small smile

She smiled too

"There you go" i said kissing all over her face

She giggled

"That's my Juelz" i smiled

She kissed my cheek as i put her down to go because the bus was going to leave.

"Love you Juelz" i said kissing her cheek

"Love you too" she said going to Martin hugging his leg

"Make sure you guys facetime me especially so i can see my baby girl" i said before they left

"Okay bye Jani see you soon" Darren said

"Bye" i said looking as they loaded the bus

I waved as the bus left, when the bus was completely gone i got in the car and felt a tear slip down my face. I became so attached to them while they were here that i don't even want them to go but i can't keep them their with their dumb ass father.

Right now i wanna go home and cuddle with Markus. He always makes me feel better when im down. I can always look forward to seeing him because he brightens up my day. He makes me better, he's kind of like my light in a dark road.

He makes me feel safe and loved and that's something i forgot about because my heart became so cold.

But he helped me find love and im greatful for him in my life and i love him for being here and helping me.

I know I've been through a lot of shit i mean a lot but he's helped me get through it. Im not gonna lie Ken he's helped me too but when he left Markus took over and helped me get through all the pain.

Markus is my rock, he's everything I see and i wanna be by his side because he makes me happy and i try my best to make him happy.

I can honestly say that i love Markus and I'm in love with Markus.

I'm getting soft but i like this new feeling that Markus gives me.

The feeling of being:

Safe, secure, loved, wanted and everything else you can imagine.

He makes me so happy

Like he said he's like a permanent scar, my permanent scar and he's not going anywhere.

I sat up straight in my car because my phone was ringing and i noticed i never moved since I got in I've just been sitting here thinking this whole time.

I looked at the phone and it was Markus.

"Hello" i said picking up the phone

"Hey bae, i was just calling to see if you're okay because im getting worried you were supposed to be back already" he said with so much concern

"Oh im sorry baby i got caught up thinking about some stuff in the car im on my way okay" i said

"Okay, I'll see you" he said with senserity

"Okay" i said

"I love you" he said

"I love you too baby" i said

Then we hung up

I started the car but sat there for a while because i wasn't thinking clearly right now. I honestly don't know why.

Once i got my self together i put the car in drive and pulled out of the bus station.

I was driving and i stopped at a red light. I was trying to get home quickly so i can lay down, i really don't feel like myself.

The light turned green so started driving. Then next thing I know im upside down and everything is getting black.



Clif hanger.....

Jani loves her family and the feel the same 😍

Jani is really really in love with Markus 😍 😍

But dang everything happened so fast.

I hope nothing too major
happened 😵

How do you think Markus is gonna feel judging by what you read so far?



Excuse any mistakes

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