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Kijani Cebra | Jani

I sat in the corner of the room crying.

No, no, no

I cant believe this! This shit i not happening to me

"Its okay babe stop crying"

"No its not im fat!" i cried

"Your still beautiful though"

"None of my clothes fit me! Im huge what am i finna wear now?"

"At least your not permanently fat" he said trying to make things better but he just made it worse

"So I really am fat!"

"Babe calm down you used to be the biggest dealer everyone was scared of and you crying over some damn jeans? Really bae?" he said

"Yess i wanna keep my size 6"

"You gonna go right back to it calm down" he said

"Okay but what am i finna wear im hungry and I'll be damned if i go out looking slump as fuck"

"Put on one of those body con dressed you'll look cute on it with your cute belly"

I thought about it and i aint really wanna wear it but Markus made me anyway. He even picked out my outfit.

I aint like the way it looked so Markus gave me one of those cute baggy shirts girls be wearing with some tights and one of my jordans and i was so much more satisfied.

I got my bag and we all as a family went out to Waffle house to eat some breakfast.

Bout fuckin time we went out together. They always wanna leave my ass home.

When we got there i was the last one to order. I ordered some waffles and some blueberry pancakes, some eggs, sauseges, some hashbrowns and a big as thing of orange juice. A nigga isn't playing about food to day.

When all our food finally came i went in on my shit.

Everyone was lookin at me all crazy and shit.

"What?" i asked after i finished swallowing a piece of my pancakes

"Its like you eatting for fuckin 3!" Darren said

"So biitch let me eat"i said

"Fat ass"

I looked at him and put my fork down

"I hate you" i said almost about to cry

Everyone looked at Darren with that 'damn biitch' face

"What?" he asked

"Why'd you call her fat man" Markus said

"I ain't even mean it like that" he said

"Well i don't care you called me fat"

He let out a loud sigh

"Oh my god"

"What you getting fustrated for you the one who called me fat"

"Cause you being extra eat your food man"

"No ugly ass" i said rolling my eyes

"Baby can you please eat you the one who made is come here" Markus said

"Okay I'll eat"


"At home"

"Really stop playing"

"Excuse me can i have a to go plate" i said to the waitress who walking by our table

"Right away ma'am" she smiled

"Thank you"

She left and Markus kissed his teeth and shook his head.

"Great hospitality here huh" i smiled

Everyone was quiet

I laughed

"Ain't nothing funny Jani" Markus said

I rolled my eyes

She came back with the plate and i put my food in it when i fimished. I pit some money on the table and got up.

"I'll be in the car" i said standing up

"Jani sit your but down" markis said

"Hell no"

"You wanna repeat that again?" Markus said standing up

"I said HELL no"

He pulled me towards him.

"You gonna sit your ass down and wait till everyone finished eating. Im not finna cause a scene imma deal with you at home. Now sit down" he said pulled me back down to the seat then he took the money off of the table and gave it back to me "Keep your money"

I sat there with a mad face until everyone finished.

When they did we drove home in silence.

I put my food in the fridge and went up stairs. Markus was waiting for me at the edge of the bed.

I walked into the closet and changed out of my clothes.

I opened the tv and Markus closed it.

"What the fuck Markus"

"We need to talk"

"No we don't" i said

"Yes we do. You are disrespectful"

"No im not"

"Yes you are. You embarrassed me, i should never have to talk to you like that in public or in front of your family" 

"Okay and" i said unbothered

"This is what i hate about you, you always do this shit "

"Well learn to love it or leave!"

He let out a frustrating sigh

"Shut up Kijani people who act like that are ugly tighten up"

"Let me be ugly"

"I can't stand you right now shut up Kijani"

"How bout you fuckin leave. I hate you Markus ion have time for your bullshit"

"We got a baby to take of"

"Okay me and him will be fine with out you leave Markus bye its over"

"No the fuck its not"

"Yes it is leave"

"No the fuck its not!"

"Yes the fuck it is Markus LEAVE!"

"Is this what you really want?" he asked mad


"Okay imma give you your wish" he got up and left the house

I opened the door to the room be for he left

"FUCK YOU JA' MARKUS"  i yelled then he slamed the front door

His ugly ass fuckin hate him.




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