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Kijani Cebra | Jani

These past few weeks I've been tired as fuck. I legit almost fell asleep on a job thats some shit I would never do.

I walked into Jay's office and put the bag of money on his table and yawned.

"Thanks baby girl" he said looking at me

"No problem" i said yawning again

"You look real tired, have you gotten sleep latly?" he asked

"Yeah, ion know why im so tired" i said

He looked at me long and hard

"Okay, go home and sleep, take a week off and figure out why you so tired"

"I dont wanna take a week off ive been off for too long" i whined

"Too bad, you have too cause i said so"

I kissed my teeth

"I guess" i said as tears threatened to come down my face

Jay sighed

"Jani stop that shit you never cry" he said

I sucked up my tears then sat up.

"Go home get some sleep"

I nodded


I got up and hugged him

"Bye pops"

"Bye baby girl"

I walked to the car and drove to McDonald's and bought some chicken nuggets and large fries then went straight home.

I went up stairs and changed into some comfy clothes then ate my food.

I slept for a good 2 hours then Markus woke me up with kisses all over my face.

I groaned

"Bae, im tired let me sleep"

"Noo, you got enough sleep wake up" he said

"Noo" i whined


I pouted

His kissed my lips and smiled

"Spend a little time with daddy, so i can feel better"

I laughed


"Yeah you heard me" he smirked

"Okay daddy"

He smiled

"My dad called me and told me you've been real tired and he said you cried and you never cry infront of anyone but me and thats weird. So wassup"

I shrugged

"I don't know, jay told me to go find out whats wrong cause ive been tired for a while and i know ive been getting sleep. So tomorrow im finna go check whats wrong with me." i said


Ja'Markus Greene | Markus

There's nothing wrong with her, My dad told me wassup. 😏

I just need to find out if its ture tomorrow.

Kijani Cebra | Jani

We better be doing something if you keeping me up like this.

"Its 5 p.m, you sleeping way too early"


"So stay awake with me duh" he said

Im hungry... Again 😕

"Baby you'll get me something to eat"

"Yeah, no problem bae"

He went downstairs then soon came back with some left over shrimp macaroni and cheese.

"Thank you"

I ate the food and it was so good.

Chantal need to make this again sometime.

I got up and went to out to put the plate away down stairs and washed it.

I went back up stairs and laid on Markus's chest rubbing my fingers down his stomach as i watched what ever he was watching.

I am legit so tired right now but im trying to stay awake for Markus.

"Baby can you talk to me" i said rubbing his face touching the facial hair he decided to grow

"Okay, what you wanna talk about" he said


"Im gonna marry you" he said


"Soon" was all he said

I nodded

"I'll be waiting"

He smiled and so did I.

If it ever came to me marrying Markus i would. I love him and i dont want him to go no where. He mine and I'll fuck a biitch up for his ass think im playing.

He's all i have aside from family.

He's my only friend, my best friend at that. He's my everything right now. I wanna spend the rest of my life with him

"We gonna have 6 kids" he said "3 girls and 3 boys even, boys names Ja'Markus jr. , Janari and Jamari. Girls Janine, Ki'niah and Ki'nihja"

He smiled

I laughed

"Im not having all those kids"

"When you popping them out its gonna be another story"

I pushed him

"Shut up"

"Im serious"

"Maybe we can have 2 or 3 kids"

"4 i want an even amount of kids"

I shook my head

"I gotta think about all this kids stuff, im deciding how much im finna rip my coochie"

He laughed


I yawned

"You really tired huh?"

I nodded

He kissed me

"Okay get some sleep, i love you"

"I love you too" i said then i fell into a deep sleep




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