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Ion trust no nigga's

- Kijani

Kijani Cebra | Jani

I spent the next 20 minutes saying no

I got annoyed then turned to walk away I didn't get that far though I bumped into a well built body with much force then fell right on my ass

"What the fuck, ouch! " i said rubbing my ass

"Oh I'm so sorry ma'am" he said

"That shit hurt bruh" i said

"I really am sorry, can i make it up to you? " the man asked

Fuck wrong with this nigga?

"Um who are you going to do that? " i asked

"Let me take you out to dinner" he said

"No i don't think so" i said

"Please just one dinner" he said

"I really don't like people who beg" i said

"Okay if that's how you want it" he said

I turned around to walk away but he stopped me.

"Your going to dinner with me tonight and no is not an answer. "

I laughed little.

"Give be your number" he said handing me his phone.

I put my number in and laughed when i was finished. He looked the number and the name i put in his contact.

He laughed

"See you tonight Dippy , dress nice" he said

"I always dress nice" i said

"We'll see" he said

Then we went our separate ways.

"You got a boyfriend" ken smiled

"Finally you finna leave me alone" he said with a huge smile

"You know what.... Fuck you ken" i said

He laughed

"What i do? " he asked

"You the worst best friend ever Kendall i understand you need some space sometimes but its like you don't wanna be with me anymore." i said

"I'm here with you know aren't i? "

"But your harassing me" i said

"Look Jani i love you to death, i really be playing with you. I love your company why you think I'm always at your house. Ion know what i would do if i you where gone or left me for some reason. I really do love you Jani" he said

"I love you too i just be taking that shit to the heart sometimes ion know maybe I'm on my period. But girl drug dealers have feelings too." i said

He brought me into a hug and kissed my forehead.

"I know that's we all human and girls moody as fuck"

"Shut up" i laughed

"I'm for real" he laughed

"Ken you should live with us" i said

"For real?" he asked

"Yeah we always together so why not" i said

"Okay but we should move to my place cause you have no room for me" he said

"i have another house not to far from the one I'm in now how bout we go there is has everything we need all we need to do is put our clothes in there and well be fine" i said

"Okay" he said

"If you dont want to you dont have to we can stay they way we are now" i said

"No i really want to"

"You sure? Cause its no pressure" i said

"it's okay i do" he said

"Okay then its final we live together" i said with smile.

Janay was walking up to us with a bunch of bags it looked like she was finna fall we ran a grabbed some bags.

"You looked like you was finna fall over with all these bags." i said while me and Ken helped her with these bags

"Looks like you did some good shopping" i said

"i really did but i feel like i took too much of your money" she said

"it's okay trust me if i want to i can buy half of this mall from its owner" i said

"Fr? You must be rich" she said

"Yeah you can say that" i said

"Well you ready to go? you hungry?" Ken said

"Yeah i can use some food" she said

"Well we already here so what you want from the food court?" i asked

"I can go for some Chick-fil-a" she said.

"Okay lets go get it" ken said

We walked to Chick-fil-a and janay put in her order then we stood off to the side waiting for her food.

"Janay i have a date to night" i said

She smiled

"for real?" she asked

" Yeah" i said

"That's so good you ain't have a man in years" she said

"i didn't want a man in those past years ion even want one now"

"But you need one i bet you have never had sex" i said

My eyes got wide


"oh my my gosh you never had sex for real" she said

"No, and sex is not important" i said

"Go get your food girl" i said

She went to get her food and we went home.

When we finally got home we helped Janay with her bags then went to my room.

I changed into comfy clothes and got on my bed

I opened my tv and put on a random show and went on facebook.

I was half way sleep till my phone vibrated.

It was a text from an unknown number

Unknown: come to this address
1254 N 15th St. meet me here in half an hour. See you there Dippy ʕ•ﻌ•ʔ


I smiled at the message and went to the bathroom and took a quick shower.

I came out and dried myself off and put on a bra and pantie set then i went in the closet and found a nice dress to wear. I felt like I've be looking for hours till i went by a dress i bought a long time ago and never wore.

I picked it out some heels and my accessories. I went to the mirror and put on some eye shadow some eye liner and mascara then I put on some red lip stick.

When i finished i put my stuff on i grabbed some sandals put them on and sprayed on some perfume.

When i finished i told them i was leaving then got in my car to the address he sent me.


Jani's outfit in the mm

Excuse the mistakes please

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