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Kijani Cebra | Jani

I'm close to my due date and I'm happy but I'm about scared as fuck. I don't know what to expect, this time you can actually call me a scared woman. I can't wait to get her out but I heard its painful to have a child and it must be true because people die during child birth and shit.

I don't wanna die I'm to young to die. I still haven't lived my life yet. I got all this money and I haven't done anything with it yet.

But July 27th is the big day. Funny because her birthday is just 5 days before mine.

This baby gonna be my pride and joy. I laid back and rubbed my stomach and smiled

"2 weeks away"

Markus pulled me closer to him and smiled. "I can't want till our little baby Ki'niah comes."


"Yeah I was so serious about those names" he said

I laughed "Okay, I'll just give them the middle names but if we ever really have 6 kids the way you wanted which won't happened we our not naming our first born boy Ja'Markus Jr."

"Why not?" He asked

"I don't want another Ja'Markus around the house so I'm gonna name him: Kion Omar Greene"

"Okay I like it"

"Good" I smiled "but 6 babies is too much most I'll ever have is 4 but I'd like to stick with 2 a girl and a boy"

"What about when they leave? We'll be used to having kids around and won't want them to leave"

"Calm down our first child hasn't even been born yet" I said

"But it's coming In 2 week"

"Okay and we have til she is going off to college so leave it alone."

"You right" he said

"I know"

He kissed my cheek and stood up.

"I'm gonna get some food you want anything?"

"Yeah can I have a sub from subway at the near by gas station?"

"Yeah what ever you want"

"Your the best oo and can I have 2 cookies"

"Yeah, I'll be back in 10 minutes" he said grabbing his keys


When he left I opened the TV and started watching Bitten on Netflix. This show is good but I think it only has 3 short seasons. Hope they update more soon.

As I was watching the show my phone began to ring so I reached over and took it from the pillow where I had originally put it.


"Ken? Why you calling me from this unknown number?"

"I'm in jail the police caught me  moving cash and weed plus I had an unlicenced gun in my car."

"How!?" I asked

"They said I was speeding and I looked suspicious so they sucked my car... Fucking pigs"

"Damn Kentrell you that when you move dope you drive according to the speed limit" 

"I know I had just got into an argument with Raye and I was mad I wasn't paying attention to the speed I was going"

I sighed

"I'm on my way okay "


I hung up and slipped on my black Fenti Puma slides and pulled on a cardigan.

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