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Nobody's POV

Yesterday was one of the best days of Kijani's life. Markus proposed and she's so damn happy she can't even stop looking at her ring, its so big and beautiful. When she showed her brothers and sisters last night they were so happy for her so was Jeulz.

Jani was thinking they'd have a dinner at her house and tell everyone the news after.

Markus thought it was a good idea.

She stepped out of the shower and dried herself off. She put on some lotion and deodorant, then she pulled on some white jeans that ripped at the knees then put on her white shirt with splits on the sides. She slid on some socks and scanned her shoe boxes to see what shoe she wanted to wear.  She pulled out a box and opened it, it was her all gray Adidas she slipped them on. Then went to her vanity and pulled out her makeup.

She put something on to cover her clothes then did her make up. When she finished she sprayed on some perfume and went to Niah's room where Markus was waiting for her to finish since he's the one bathed her.

"You can go clean up now baby" she said getting Niah and kissed her cheeks.

"Okay" he said kissing her forehead

She put Niah in her crib and found something for her to wear. She put her in a pink onesie and a cap on her head and slid on her socks.

Kijani grabbed the already prepared bottle and feed it to her, when the baby finished she burped her and laid her back in the crib.

She sat back on the chair next to the crib and grabbed her phone and texted everyone the same message telling them to come to her house at 8 for a dinner that she is making to night

Everyone texted back saying they'll be there.

She put the phone down and looked over at Ki'Niah and she looked back at her

She smiled and picked her up.

Kijani love's her so much, she's her little bundle of joy. Not to toot her own horn or anything but Kijani thinks Niah is a momma's girl like her. She loves when Kijani is around.

Markus came in the room looking all nice.

"Who you looking good for?" She asked

"Who you looking good for?" He Said Answering Her Question With A Question

"I'm looking simple" she said

"So am I" he said

"Okay then we'll look simple together" she said


She put Ki'Niah in her car seat and got her baby bag.

Markus took both the baby bag and the car seat from Kijani. On their way downstairs she grabbed her purse in the room.

She grabbed the keys to a different car this time since Markus's 2 door car is not gonna work anymore.

Markus put her in the car and strapped her up and Kijani gave him the keys so he can drive. She sat in the back with the baby.

Markus drove to the super market and they bought everything Kijani needed to make food today.

While doing this Markus had some unwanted attention. From this ugly bitch in the store, Jani walked up to him with Niah and rapped her hand around his arm showing the girl her ring and she looked away real quick.

They checked out all the stuff and went home.

Kijani went up stairs and changed clothes.

She left Niah with Markus and began cooking.

By the time she was done cooking everyone was already here. They were in the living room laughing and watch what ever is on the TV.

She set up the table and noticed she didn't have nothing for anyone to drink.

So she grabbed the keys and slipped on some shoes.

"Guys I'll be back I have to go buy something from the store before we eat"

"Okay hurry back" Markus said

"I will" she said

She got in the car and drove to the store. When she finally got there she parked in front of the store and sat in the car getting her purse. She got out of the car and her keys fell on the floor. She let out a loud sigh and picked up the keys.

She continued her walk to the store and the closer she got to the store she felt like something was wrong.

She opened the door to the store and as soon as it was wide enough to walk through two shots were fired then two bullets hit her chest.

Ja'Markus Greene | Markus

Niah won't stop crying and I don't know why. She picked a specific time to cry, nothing is wrong with her she doesn't need no food, no diaper change nothing. Nothing is calming her down right now.

She's crying as if she knows something is wrong.

Nobody's POV

Kijani fell to the floor and her life began to flash before her eyes and right then and there

She knew she was gonna die.

She starts crying tears are every where. She barely got to spend time with her baby girl. She didn't even get to die with the people she loved most.......... Markus

She can't imagine how Markus will feel when he finds out they literally got engaged yesterday. Her family will be crushed so will Kentrell, Raye, Jay and Sy'Nia they grew so close.

She can't call for help because she can't speak and she can't move.

Her phone began to vibrate in her pocket. She slowly reached for it and saw it was Markus. She picked up and forced out these 3 words.

"I love you" she coughed and blood flew out her mouth and slid down the sides of her mouth

She could hear Markus calling to her on the other side of the phone. She could tell he was worried but she couldn't speak anymore she used up all her energy.

  She prayed to herself and told god to watch over her family most importantly Markus and Ki'Niah. She told him not to let them have so much pain. Let them live a happy life, let Markus move on. And as the last tear fell from her eyes and she finished her prayer and she took her last breath of air.

No one didn't come for her in time she died by herself in the middle of the road.



R.I.P Jani 👼🙏

Hey guys this is the end of love.

I hope you guys enjoyed it.

And I hope you guys don't have any hard feelings about the ending

I'm going to start a new book soon I'll let you guys know when its out.



Dope_Uniqueness 💙❤

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