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Kijani Cebra | Jani

My appointment is in 2 more days and i guess its just to check on me and the baby.

Shit ion really know.

When i told everyone about me being pregnant they were all happy, and im happy no one was upset.

Juelz was happy too she said she'll finally be older than someone in the house.

My stomach got bigger than it was when i wasnt pregnant but its not that big i can still wear my regular clothes

"Baby im hungry" I whined

"What do you want?"

"I want some pickles and hotdogs" i said

"You dont even eat hot dogs" he said

"But i want it though" i said giving him a straight face

"Okay okay I'll go get some hotdogs im pretty sure we got pickles here"


"I gotta go to the store and get it" he said

"But i dont want you to leave mee" i whined

"Then come with me" he suggested

"Noo i don't wanna go out"

"Den what do you want make up your mind" he said getting frustrated

"Why you getting frustrated with me!" i yelled

"Im not fustrated" he said

"Yes you are"

"No im not" he protested

"So we lying now that's how it is now a days?" i asked

"Im not lying though" he said rolling his eyes

"Don't roll your eyes at me" i said

He sighed extra loud and began to walk out the room

"Why you leaving me?"

"Cause i gotta go get you your food" he said

"Ion want it no more" i said

"But you just said... You know what never mind" he said continuing his walk to the door

"Where you going?"

"Im finna go watch tv"

"There's on right here" i said looking towards the big tv in front of the bed

"I wanna watch tv downstairs though"

"Why you tryna leave me" i said on the verge of tears

"Oh my gosh! Stop Kijani forreal" he said

"I didnt even do nothing" she cried

"Stop crying you crying for no reason" he said clearly annoyed

"You trying to leave me!"

"Im just trying to go watch tv downstairs "

"Well there's a tv right here so you not going anywhere" i said closing the door and pushing him on the bed and getting on.

I laid next to him and he opened the tv and sighed dramatically.

I rolled my eyes

"Dont play" he said indicating that he saw me i wanted him to, too

Ja'Markus Greene | Markus

Ohh my god bruh, Jani on some shit bruh.

I cant take it its too much. She already crazy now she having mood swing no telling what's finna happen next time, she might try to kill a nigga.

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