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Out and about...

Kijani Cebra | Jani

"Ken stop! " i laughed as he made fun of this girl for no reason.

"I'm just being honest" he said putting his hands up in surrender

"You're a bully"

"Call me what ever you want but i know you see that shit too" he said

"That don't mean you gotta talk about it, i know I'm mean too but damn" i said walking

"You would do that shit too nigga"

"You right but sometimes when you do it, it be uncalled for" i said

"I missed you" he said

"I missed you too, but you never home any more" i said

Looking at the nice pair of nude timbs.

"That's cause i was on a job" he said

"why didn't you tell me" i said as i signaled the lady to get me a size 7 in these shoes

"Because it was a solo job"

"But you still could have told me"

"I ain't think it was a big deal" he said

"But we always tell each other these things" i said getting the shoes and paying for them.

"I guess" he said

"What's wrong with you?" i asked

"Nothing" he said looking around the mall

I sucked my teeth

"Why you trippin"

"I'm not trippin"he said

"What ever" i said walking to the food court and ordering me some ice cream.

We were walking and ken kept looking at me.

"What? You want some?" i asked moving the cone to his mouth

"Yeah bruh i was waiting for your greedy ass to offer"

"Well the place is down there walk your ass there, with your own money and get some damn ice cream." i said

He kissed his teeth kept walking

I got a text and it was Markus i smiled and texted back

Baby ^.^❤: Bae i miss you. 😒

Baee❤❤: Awe i miss you too.

Baby ^.^❤: When you coming home?

Baee❤❤: When I'm done hanging out with ken.

Baby^.^❤: Okay i wanna see you soon though.

Baee❤❤: Okay dad -_-, but when you coming home?

Baby^.^❤: When i get through with work but by the time you home I'll be already home safe in bed.

Baee❤❤: You better be too, but let me go cause ken look lonely.

Baby^.^❤: Okay I love you.

Baee❤❤: I love you too baby.

I closed my phone and looked up at ken.

"So what you wanna do next ken"

He didn't say anything.

"Ken i know you hear me talking to you. What you wanna do next nigga?" i asked

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