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Ja'Markus Green | Markus

I woke up and frowned.

Seeing Jani in this condition give me mixed feelings, and i hate the fact that she's here.

I wanted to at least talk to her with her talking back but i can't even do that mane.

Now Janey is in one of these room's too and this some bullshit because people i love are hurt and i can't do nothing.

I stood up and stretched going closer to Jani than i was before and kissed her forehead gently.

I needed to go home and get some stuff for us but i don't want to leave none of them and we don't have no friends so that won't work and my dad doesn't even know where we live or anything about the inside of the house.

I walked to the bathroom and splashed some cold water on my face. I seen an unused tooth brush with some toothpaste i used it to brush teeth, when i finished i went back next to jani putting the chair closer to the bed.

I grabbed the her hand and kissed it.

"I love you baby, and i miss you come back to me" i said kissing her hand again

I laid my head on her bed in frustration.

"Mr.Green?" a nurse said walking into the room

"Yes?" i asked

"Um are you okay?" she asked

"I'm fine just frustrated" he said

"I know how you feel" she said

I nodded my head

"I love her, and I really want her to come back to me" i said rubbing her hand

"I've seen this alot and its normal, you'll get through it and she'll pull through" the nurse said patting my back

"Thanks i appreciate it" i said looking at Jani

"No problem" she said "but Ms. Janey is asking for you"

"Okay I'll be right there" i said as she walked out the room

I stood up kissed Jani's cheek and walked to Nay's room.

I walked into her room and she was laying in bed watching TV

"Hey Janey, how you feeling?" i said kissing her forehead

"I'm still sick but im feeling better" she said

"Good are you hungry?" i asked

"No, im go thanks though" she said

I frowned

"What? " she asked

"You didn't eat all yesterday and your weak you needa eat something" i said

"But I'm not hungry though" she said

"You're gonna fuckin eat, if Jani wakes up and your looking like your looking she's gonna be upset you know that" i said

"Okay, go get me something to eat then shit" she said

"That's what i thought" i said standing up and going to get her something to eat for the cafeteria

I got some hot soup and some cookies so she can eat then i went to the vending machine and got some chips so she don't tell me anything about eating.

I walked in to her room and set the tray on that thing and slide it to her so she can eat.

"Thank you" she said "even though this soup look nasty as fuck"

I laughed a little

"Well you sick and you need soup" i said opening the chips and putting one in my mouth

We sat together and talked about alot of things.

This is the most we've ever talked even thought we have love for each other. We had that minimum talking relationship.

"Markus " she said with serious face


"Do you think Jani will be okay?" she asked

"Yes, i do she's a strong woman she's not going nowhere" i said holding her hand

She hugged me

"I hope so" she said

"Don't get your hopes down" i said kissing her forehead "She'll get better"

She nodded her head

I got her trash and threw them away and went to get her something to drink since i forgot to get one for her.

When I came back with the drink she was sleeping.

I put the drink next to her and went back to Jani's room.

She was still laying there motionless.

I picked up the phone and called my dad

"Hey son" his voice came through the phone

"Hey pops, can you come to the hospital in Jani's room real quick" i said

"Yeah okay im on my way" he said

"Thank you" i said

"No problem son" he said

Then we hung up

I sat next to her bed and looked at her

"Baby please come back to me" i said kissing all over her face

I sat in the room quietly and watched her.

My dad came a few minutes later and stood next to me.

He put his hand on my shoulder

"She'll be fine" he said

"I really do hope so" i said

"What did you call me here for?" he asked

"I need to go to the house and get some stuff and I don't want to leave her here alone just in case she wakes up" i said

"Okay go ahead" he said

I went to my car in the parking lot and drove over to the house slowly and safely.

When i finally pulled up to the house i went to the room grabbed a towel and took a quick shower and put in some different clothes.

When i finished i packed some stuff and put our tooth brushes in the bag.

Then i went to Janey's room and packed some stuff for her and then i put them in the car.

I put extra clothes in another duffle bag and put it in the back seat.

Then i walked back inside the house and got something to go cause i was hungry and got in the car and drove back to the hospital.

When i came back i brung the clothes with me then walked back to Jani's room and my dad stood up.

"Thanks pops" i said

"No problem, i gotta go my woman called me and she needs me" he said

"Okay see you later" i said

"Okay later" he said

I sat down and did the same thing I've been doing since she got here.

Stare at her


Jay in the mm

Jani is still in that coma.

Janey is feeling better

Do you think her brothers and sisters should know?

You think they should come back?

Excuse any mistakes

This chapter wasn't good but imma try to make it better next chapter

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