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Kijani Cebra | Jani

Part 2:

I laid on my back with smile i turned towards Markus and slapped the back of his head.

"Ow what was that for" he said holding the back of his head

"I told you to stop and you wouldn't listen you know i gotta go shopping" 

"I'm sorry but i just couldn't help myself" he said with a smile i just shook my head and stood up

"We still need to go so get up" i said walking away to go freshen up.

When i was finished i waited for Markus so we could leave.

When he finally finished we went to the car and drove to walmart.

When we finally got in the store Markus grabbed a cart and pushed it while walking beside me.

"Baby where we finna go first?" he asked

"We finna go to the aisle with all the house stuff first" i said

"Okay Food aisle first" he said turning into the frozen food aisle

"No bae im forreal we need to get the other stuff first" i said as she was acting like a big ass kid on the car running down the aisles and shit

I shook my head and walked in the other direction. He'll find his way back. His ugly ass 😒

I went to the aisle i was looking for and got a few air fresheners for the house.

"Bae" Markus yelled

"Baby why you yelling? You're right behind me?" i said

"I didn't notice" he shrugged

I shook my head and put the air fresheners in the cart.

I took that thing to make carpets smell good. I grabbed some liquid detergent and powdered detergent, i got some Downey and every thing else i needed. I grabbed some new curtains for the tub, and also some new ones for the windows.

I also bought some new towels. I bought a new jucier because i needed a new one.

I looked back and Markus looked so board.

"Baby" i called


"Why the face" i said turning towards him

He shook his head


I pulled him closer to me and he looked down at me.

"Tell me why the face"

"Im board i wanna go buy some food" he smiled

I laughed

"You are worse than me"

"How" he laughed

"You cant even wait for me to finish buying stuff we need so i can buy food that your not even gonna eat yet"

"What food brings me joy"  he said

I shook my head

"Lets go buy the damn food"

He turned the car and we walked to the food.

Markus put everything in the basket i didnt shop for no type of food yet.

"Bae im finished" he said

"Okay now lets go buy stuff i need to cook tonight"

We went and got some barbecue sauce i got some ranch and Italian dressing. I bought some pasta to make macaroni then i got all of the ingredients that i needed. I bought some seasoning them went to the meat aisle and bought some ribs. I bought some lettuce and some green beans. Then we were on our marry way.

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