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Kijani Cebra | Jani

We sat in the court room waiting for the verdict. I sat with my fingers crossed hoping for him not to get something horrible.

"Okay the jury has came up with a decision" the judge said as my grip became tight on Markus's arm.

"We have decided that he is guilty and since he has no bad records he will be on probation for 1 year everyone is now dismissed"  She said hitting the gravel against the thing

I let out a huge sigh of relief thank god he's not going to jail.

We stood up and walked over to ken, Raye was the first to give a big hug and kiss him.

"I missed you" i said hugging him as tight as my belly allowed me to.

"I missed you too sis" he said kissing my forehead

Markus gave him dap and said wassup

They took him back to give him back all of his belongings. We waited outside for him.

While we waited I began to feel so uncomfortable. The longer we waited the more I felt uncomfortable and I started getting cramps.

"Babe can you help me sit?" I asked

"Yeah what's wrong?"

"Nothing I just feel uncomfortable"

As soon as I squatted to sit down a wet substance came down my leg. I looked down and my eyes got wide.

"Oh shit!" Markus yelled

I began to cry I'm scared

"Oh my gosh" Raye said

Ken cane looking confused

"What's wrong guys?" He looked at my face then looked down and his eyes got wide "oh shit!"

"Let's go" Markus said helping me to the car as quick as possible

This shit is hurting 😖

I was screaming in pain.

Markus sat in Tue back with me while Ken drove.

"Baby take deep breaths" I did as told and I felt worse

I shook my head as more tears fell from my face.

"It hurts" I cried

"I know but we are almost to the hospital"

I grabbed Markus's hand and squeezed. 

"Ow baby my hand" Markus said

I gave him that look and he stopped

"Call Chantal and them" i said

He called


I let out another scream


"We going to the one by the house.... Okay.... Bye"

We got to the hospital and we got a doctor right away. They pushed me into a room Markus and them followed close behind. 

They changed my clothes and the pain began to get worse.

"I'm never having a child again" I cried

"Don't say that" Markus said

"Something your dumb ass would say shut up"

The nurse came and gave me the shot and checked how far my contractions were.

"Okay time to start pushing" the doctor said

I let out a breath

"Okay Ms. Cebra on the count of 3 I want you to push" she said as Markus grabbed my hand

"1..2..3.. Push"

I pushed as hard as I could


"Okay good job your doing good" she said "push"

I did it again letting out another pain full scream

"I hate Markus you did this to me" I cried

"Go ahead push" I pushed again

"I see the head, on my count push again. 1..2..3.. Push!"

I pushed for the last time and heard soft cries from the baby.

"You want to cut the umbilical cord" the doctor asked Markus


He cut the cord and I let out a breath thank god I got through this pregnancy with out nothing bad happening.

They brought the baby back to me so I  can hold her. I smiled and a tear fell down my face as I looked at our beautiful baby girl.

"So what are you guys going to name this beautiful bundle of joy"

"Ki'Niah René Greene" I said

"Awe that's beautiful"

"Named after mom" Chantal said

I smiled and handed her to Markus

"Congratulations" Alizee said kissing my cheek "I love you"

"I love you too" I smiled

We sat in the room and stared at the beautiful child I just gave birth to. I'm already in love 😍

Her skin is like mixture of me and Markus.

"So we were thinking that Kentrell you'll be the godfather" I said

"Of course I will, I'd be honored to" he smiled

"And Chantal you be the godmother" Markus said

"I'd love to" she said looking over at Ki'Niah

"Good" I said laying back on the bed

Today is the best day of my life one of the days that I will never forget. Where baby Ki'Niah René Greene was born 6 pounds 7 ounces at 11 am July 23.


Just a few more chapters till the big finale.

Ki'Niah is finally born what most if you have been waiting for.

Next chapter is gonna be a time jump not to big and not to small.



And excuse any mistakes


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