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Kijani Cebra | Jani

I was in the docters office waiting for imformation.

"Bae i'd be a sexy ass docter" i said playing with all the equipment.

"Put all that shit away" he laughed

"What? Im serious wouldn't i be a sexy"

"Yes you would, i'd love for you to be my docter." he smiled

"Awe" i said while putting the stuff away

The docter came in and closed the door.

"Congratulations Ms. Cebra you are 1 month and 2 week pregnant" the nan said

I was confused what the fuck

"You playing with me or what cause rhst shit aint funny" i said seriously

"Im serious pregnancy isnt something docters joke about." he said

I looked at Markus he shrugged then he smiled.

I rolled my eyes.

I legit dont wanna be pregnant, but im not finna get rid of it and blame nobody for it either. But this baby fucking me up, i cant work no more and i love my job now Markus actually got a reason for my ass to stay home and not do shit. 😒

I wanna slap Markus just cause his ugly ass getting his way.

"Okay" was all i said

"Okay imma give you these pills and come back and see me in 6 weeks" he said.


He gave me the stuff i needed then we left out the hospital.

"Are you happy?" i asked

"Yeah i always wanted a child" he smiled "Are you?"


He smile dropped

"Why not?"

"Cause im not ready for a child yet."

"So what you finna do?" he asked

"Imma have this baby, im not finna kill it. I'd be on some shit if i did that"


"But I still wanna work im not done working and now this baby gonna come and put my life on hold. Being in the game is my life" i said

He nodded

"Maybe you can finally go to college"

"I guess" i said looking out the window

I feel like crying to be honest bruh, this some bullshit! But im finna suck it up cause ion have time to stress.

I finna go home eat and take my ass cause ion feel like talking i just need some time to adjust to this shit.

"Bae can you buy me some hot wings" i said quietly

"Of course" he said

He went and bought me the wings and we went home. I told everyone hey then went to my room.

I changed into some comfy clothes thenm sat on the bed and quietly ate my food.

I gave some to Markus and when he finished he threw the plate away.

I quietly laid in the bed and stared at nothing. Markus laid on the bed and it was quiet for a while.



"You mad?"

"No, why?"

"You so quiet and you've been real distant" he said

"Im just trying to adjust to this, im actually having a child and im not ready for it abd i have to learn to do it" i said

"I'll be with you every step of the way, we'll learn together. We in this together" he said pulling me to himand kissing my forhead

"Okay" i said


I laid my head on his chest and yawned.

Im tired but im not sleepy

Thats weird

I closed my eyes so when im falling asleep it will be easier.

Damn, im actually having a baby a real live human being.

In all seriousness this is something i never thought would happen.

But you know what they say expect the unexpected.....

God please help me.




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