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Im not going anywhere.

Ja'Markus Green | Markus

It's been a month man!

A month!

Im lowkey going crazy. I need her back. I can't think straight i haven't heard her voice in the longest and i can't do it anymore.

Its lowkey fuckin me up.

But at least Janey's flu is gone and she looks way better.

Their family came back even the brother she said left her they came three weeks ago and they are all devastated.

All we do is sit in Jani's room and hope and pray that she wakes up.

Her bruises are going away but she is recovering slowly. Like slow as fuck.

And i know its not her fault but its irritating me. I feel like shooting some shit up.

I walked in the room from the coffee machine and i kissed her cheek

"I love you" i said then sat in the chair by her bed.

"I miss her so much bro" Janey said looking down

"Swear i do too mann" Darren said

"I wish she could wake up.." Alizee said sadly

The other brother didn't really say much since he got here.

"This legit so bullshit" Nick said getting mad

"Calm down the last thing we need is anger on top of our stress and sadness" Martin said

"No man don't tell me to calm down!" Nick said standing up

"There's no need to get loud just sit back down" Martin said grabbing his arm to pull him back down

"Don't touch me man!" he yelled Martin looked at him in shock

Jeulz got up and looked at them with wide eyes.

"Shhh!" she said in a harsh whisper

"Auntie is sleeping" she said lowly

They looked at each other and Nick shook his head and walked out the room.

I turned in my seat back toward jani and let a tear slide down my cheek.

Jeulz is so young and she doesn't really understand whats going on around her and it's so sad. God don't let this happen but what if my baby don't wake up 😢. Jeulz would be crushed when we tell her.

We sat in the room in silence because of what just happened and it was awkward.

I wiped the tear stain and looked at her.

She is so beautiful

A nurse along with a docter walked into the room. I assumed it was to check up on her.

The doctor cleared his throat.

We all looked at him

"Good afternoon" he said

"Good afternoon" i said

"Um there's never is a easy way to say this but our bosses decided that it is time to take Ms. Cebra off of life support because she's been on it for a good month now and they don't think she's gonna wake up so they think its best to let her go. So I suggest you guys say your goodbyes" he said

Everyone gasped

My heart dropped

"Wait what? When" i asked

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