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Your very best 💕

Kijani Cebra | Jani

"What the fuck mane what are you going here? you stocking me now!"

"Hey Ja'Markus" she said trying to touch him

He moved away from her

"Dont fuckin touch me bruh"

I was looking in between them they look just alike.

"Markus who is this?" i asked

"My no good ass mother" he said

His mother? She look like she could be one of his hoes.

"Don't talk about me like that to other people" she said

"You don't get to tell me what to fuckin do, get the fuck out my face bruh" he said waving her off

He went back to eating and so did i. She just stood there looking at us.

"Ja'Markus i know you see me standing here" she said

"Baby you hear something or is it just me?" he asked being petty

I didn't want to be in the middle so i just said "huh"

He shrugged his shoulders and began to eat again

"Is she why you're ignoring me?" she asked

He didn't answer

I really hope i don't get in the middle of this for her own sake.

I just ate my food without a word

"I have to tell you something important but you won't fucking listen to me! " she yelled making everyone looking at our table

A man walked up to us

"Is this woman bothering you should we escort her out for you?" he asked

"Yes please" he said

"Ma'am im going to have to ask you to leave or i will be forced to call the police"

She sighed and walked out with the man


"What was that about?" i asked

"That was my mom, she left me before i could even walk then she gonna walk into my life 20 years later like she was never gone , that lady got me fucking bent" he said

"Oh dang im sorry babe" i said touching his hand softly

"It's okay im over that shit" he said

"You sure cause if you aren't you can talk to me you know that" i said

"I know but im over it ion care anymore" he said asking for the check

I looked at him for a while

"Okay" i finally said

He looked at me

"Im for real bae" he said kissing my lips

I didn't say anything

We walked outside hand in hand when we got to the car his mom popped up again

"Just let me talk to you!" she said

"No ion wanna talk to yo ass" he said turning to the car

She grabbed his arm "Please"

He looked in her eyes and sighed

"Okay i guess" he said

"First tell me how you feel" she said

"Well you left me with my uncle had me thinking you were dead along with my dad and all this time you living life then you come in my life like shit is all good like no its not, i try to let you in but i can't i just hate you" he said

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