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Kijani Cebra | Jani

This morning i was feeling so amazing, i was sleeping peaceful and all then they ruined it all. 😑

All these heavy ass sleepers in this damn house.

Juelz was screaming and Martin wasn't making it any better he was screaming with her!

I got up and went over to their room.

"Why are yall screaming?" i asked walking in

I saw Juelz crying and screaming and Martin was screaming too because he wanted her to be quiet, he looked like he was frustrated and didn't know what to do.

"Martin..." i said he didn't hear me because of all the noise they were making.

"Martin" i said a little louder

No answer

"Martin!!!" i yelled at the top of my lungs making them both stop

"Yes" he said looking at me

"Why are you guys screaming?" i asked

"Because she won't go back to sleep and im tired" he whined

"Stop being a lil baby Martin, Juelz is the baby make her quiet down" i said

"I can't, I just be screaming at her because she won't go back to sleep sometimes and it be annoying cause right now im so tired" he said with low eyes

"Okay go to sleep let me take her" i said

I picked her up and began walking out the room

"You better be lucky im so tired cause i would have been on your ass about what you got on" he said closing his eyes

"Shut up" i laughed

I went to my room with her and put her in the middle of me and Markus

She laid there looking at me

"Hey Juelz" i smiled

She smiled back

"Hi" she said with her cute little voice

"You wanna got to sleep for auntie Jani?" i asked

She shook her head no

"Why?" i frowned

"Scary, monsters when i close my eyes" she said

"Awe its ok you can sleep scary monsters are scared of me come here and I'll protect you" i said

She came closer to me and hugged me she stayed in that position to, i looked down and saw her sleeping. I smiled and went back to sleep.



I was sleeping for a good while till i felt a flash in my eye.

I opened my eyes to see Alizee standing in front of us with her phone
"Awe y'all look like a cute little family" Alizee said taking a picture of us

Me, Markus, and Juelz were all close and cuddled up.

Markus opened his eyes and looked around

"Oh shit" he said when he realized that she was in here

I shook my head

"Good morning, bae" he said kissing my cheek

"Good morning" i smiled

"Yall so cute!!!" she said

We looked at her

"Alizee what are you doing in here?" i asked

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