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Kijani Cebra | Jani

Today is the day i go to this check up and im lowkey nervous like what the fuck.

Im never nervous

I lowkey cant wait to see what im having. I hope its a boy.

After this im staying off them babies cause i can't do all of that and college. Speaking if college i gotta sign up for one here. I think i wanna go to make up and bussiness cause i like those two things.

I love to do my make up and i love to make money bit i just hate working for people cause i swear if they test me they getting beat the fuck up.

That's why im finna open up my own business when i graduate and try to make that money.

I refuse to be broke im getting money one way or another.

I was pulled out of my thoughts because Markus was kissing all over my face.

"Baeeee" he said dragging the word


"You okay?" i asked

"Yeah why?"

"Cause the way yo face keep changing"

"No im good baby just in deep thought"

"About what?" He asked

"This appointment"

"You scared?"


"You got nothing to be scared about is gonna to be ok" he said kissing my forehead

" I know I just can't help it"

"Okayy but we finna go in a few hours, just try to relax till then"


I just took a nap till it was time to go.

Markus waked me up and told me to get dressed when it was time to go.

I was so tired i just threw anything on and we drove to the hospital.

I sat there waiting to get called for my check up.

Markus held my hand and we sat there quietly, I haven't been in a talking mood lately.

"Kijani Cebra" A lady called

Me and Markus stood up and followed her to one of the rooms.

"Sit here please" she said to me i did as told and she clapped her hands together

"Do im guessing this is the babies father" she said looking between us two

"Yes" i answered

"Okay good so lets get to it" she smiled

She put on some gloves and told me to lay back.

I did as told and she rubbed this cold gel on my stomach and we watched through the progecter.

I saw this weird type of thing on the screen.

Me and Markus were looking confused as fuck.

"Okay so the baby is growing just fine and everything else but you're stressing and that's not good for the baby. That can lead to a miscarriage and i know you to don't want that." she said

I nodded

Her saying that made me stress even more what if something bad happens. This dream really got me fucked up.

Markus looked at me and i knew we were gonna have a talk.

"But its not too much affecting the bany so try to stay stress-free do something to get your mind off of whatever is stressing you" she said

"Okay" i said

"Good, well im gonna go get you somemore prescription then you can leave. Do you want a copy of thw ultrasound?"

"Yes" Markus said

She nodded and walked out of the room

Shortly after she left she came back with the stuff we needed.

"Okay your next appointment is in 8 week, next time you come you will be able to know the sex of the baby." she said

"Okay" i smiled

"See you in 8 weeks" she saod as we walked out of the room

We went to the car and Markus started the car up but he didnt back out of the parking lot.

I looked at him and he looked at me.

I sighed

"Are we finna leave or....?"

"Baby what you stressing about?" he asked


"Don't lie why you lying?"

"Ion wanna talk about it" i said

"We not getting no where with that" he said

"Okay so im not stressing"

"Yes you are" he said

"No im not"

"Yes you are"

"No im not"

"Yes you are can you please just tell me? Is it the dream?"

I didn't say anything I just looked out the window

He sighed and scratch the back of his head

"I told you were going to be fine it's not going to happen trust me I promise" 

"I just cant help it"

"I know, just try to stay stress-free for the baby we don't want nothing bad happening to her already now do we?"

"No and who says it's a she I believe you mean he" i said

He laughed

"Its going to be a girl"

"No it's a boy end of discussion" i smiled


Short and boring 😑

Writers block 😴👎



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