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  I Care...

Kijani Cebra | Jani

Every since i fought Ken's girlfriend 4 weeks ago he hasn't talked to me at all. He is avoiding me, like he'd look at me and when i look at him he'd turn around. Like i know you wanna talk to me just talk, he's acting like i'll shoot him in his face if speaks to me. 

He stays in his room and he doesn't even eat my food. I don't know why thought, is it because I'm spending more time with Markus than usual? I'm gonna talk to him today after i finish this job.

I picked the lock to the house and disarmed their alarm. I walked in to the trap house and went to the bosses room I looked for the safe and busted it open and took what my boss asked for. When i finished I left the house, went back to the trap and give him what he asked for.

"Thank you Jani, i have to tell you I never wanted a female in my crew but I'm happy that I gave you a chance too prove your self. You're a very strong intelligent woman."  he said

"Thanks boss" said

"You in school yet?" he asked

"No" I said

"Why not, I've been telling you to go to college for the longest and you still haven't enroll yourself yet?" he said

"No I've been busy plus I don't want to go to school, school is just not for me" i said

"You're better than this right here you're smart you can go to school and do something big, I don't want you to spend the rest of your life doing shit like this. As the years passed by I started to see you as family so please do something better with your life please.  If I could I would take you out of the game" he said

"You serious?" i asked

"As a heart attack, all the boys do" he said

"Thank you" I smiled "but I'll try to get back into school, its really not my thing but since you asked" i said

"Your welcome and try to get into school" he said

"Okay well bye I'm going home to my baby" i said


"Yeah my boyfriend" i said

He gasped

"You have a boyfriend?,  you haven't had one since you were 16" he said

"I know,  there's something different about him so I'm givin him a chance" i said with a smile

"It seems like you really like him"

"I do" i smiled

"Are you in love?" he asked raising his eyebrow

"No I don't know what being in love is like" i said

"You serious?"


"I have never been in love with another man before I've only had one boyfriend my entire life and now I have him" I said

He looked surprised

"Well I'm gonna head out" i said "Bye boss" 

"Bye and call me Jay" he said

"Okay bye Jay" I said

I said bye to the boys and walked out of the trap.

I got in the car and i drove straight home.  I wanna just go home and be in my baby's arms. I missed him today.

When i got home I went up stairs and straight to Ken's room. I knocked on the door and opened it to see him laying across his bed. 

"Hey Ken"

"Hey Jani" he said

"You mad at me cause you've been avoiding me for 4 weeks now" i said

"Yeah but that's cause i thought you were mad at me" i said

"Im not mad at you why would you think that?" i said

"Cause you made me wash the dishes" he said

"I made you wash the dishes because you knew i didn't like that girl and you brought her to the house made me cook dinner for her ass and on top of that she criticized my food so I just thought the least you could do was wash the dishes"

"Ohh I thought you were pissed at me"

"No I was just mad in that particular moment" I said

"Okay good because I was so bored when we weren't talking" he said

"I know you were"

"You don't have to worry about her anymore though, I left her" he said

"For real?" I asked  "I hope it wasn't cause of me"

"you're partly the reason, but it was really because she is disrespectful and she has a very nasty mouth and its not cute on a female"

He said the same thing that Markus told me. I have a foul mouth too and both of the men in my life told me that its not cute for a girl to have a curse like that.

I should really stop cursing if the two people closest to me don't like it.

"Oh, okay are you sad?" i asked

"No i was only with her for 3 weeks and even if was I was I'll get over it" he replied

"You sure? You don't want any ice cream? Even though i didn't like her i do care about your feelings" i said

"I know, and I'm sure Jani"  he smiled

"Okay im going to go shower and lay down im so tired" i said

"Okay" he said

I hugged him and kissed his cheek then walked to my room. I thought Markus would here but he's not.

I frowned, where is he?, i took my towel and went to my bathroom. I took my clothes of threw them in the hamper and went in the shower.

I scrubbed my body real good then I rinsed myself off and washed my face. When i finished i got out the tub and went into the room. I put on some shorts and a white tee i got in the bed and got comfortable. I laid in bed quietly, i wanna be in Markus's arms.

After what felt like forever he finally walked in the room causing me to smile. He came closer to the bed and I got up and put my arms around him and kissed him.

"I missed you" i said

"I was at work" he said

"Okay, I don't even care I just want to be in your arms " I said

"Okay let me take a quick shower"

I laid there in bed waiting for him. I was just about to fall asleep when he came back in the room a few minutes later.

He dried off then put his boxers on and got into bed.

I snuggled up to him. I felt so relaxed in his arms. I rubbed my hands up and down his stomach.

He rubbed my hands down my back.

I like his touch

"Baby i-"

"Shh just lay here i just wanna enjoy your presence" he said

I listened and put my head on his chest. I listened to his steady heart beat. I just listened till my eyes got heavy and I feel asleep.


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