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Team work makes the dream work

Kijani Cebra | Jani

"Fuck you bitch" one of the men said to me as i held the gun to his head

"Fuck you too" i said in calm voice then i shot him in the head twice

Me and ken finished of the rest of the men then took all their stuff like boss said

When we finished we walked out the house lit a match and set that bitch on fire.

"That was fun" i said

"Everything that involves killing is fun to you" Ken said

"You right" i said

"I know i am" he said

"Shut up"

"While you out here on a killing spree and taking drugs does Ja'Markus know about this?" he asked

"No and I'm not finna tell him till i trust him" i said

"Okay fair enough" he said

"Let's go enroll her at a school"


"we should enroll her at the school we used to go" i said

"Yeah we should" he agreed

So I drove to the school board

"Hello I'm here to enroll my sister to Eastwood high" i said

"Okay can i have her first and last name and address" she said

I gave her what she wanted and waited

"Okay she is enrolled she should be able to get her schedule when school starts." the lady said

"Okay thank you" i said then we walked out

We got in the car and i drove into Walmart to get some food so Janay can eat some food.

I walked in grabbed a cart and put some vanilla ice cream, and cookies and some other stuff Janay might like. Ken put some stuff in the cart too and i chose some things i needed and went to the register.

While we waited in the line i felt someone's arms wrap around me.

I elbowed them I'm their stomach then turned around to punched them but when i turned around it was Markus.

I gasped

"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry babe" i said grabbing his hand.

"Its okay now i not not to come up behind you like that" he said

"I have bad reflexes and i hate when people come up on me like that" i said looking at him with sorrow "let me help you"

"Really its okay" babe he said standing up straight

I hugged him i really didn't know it was him.

He looked at me then smiled

"I'm really fine don't worry about it" he said

"Okay shit you said it I really didn't care anyways" i said turning back to the line

He laughed

"Wassup kentrell" he said giving him dap

"Wassup" he said

The lady began to check out our stuff and he began to kiss my cheeks.

"Whattt?" i asked

"I wanna kiss my baby" he said

"You have a child i don't know about?" i asked ready to punch his ass

"No Jani I'm talking about you" he said


"Already getting mad" he said kissing me again

"Shut up, remember i have trust issues" i said

"You gonna have to trust me one point in time."

"Yeah but that time is just not now"

"This will be 150.68" The lady said

I took one of my cards out of my purse and swiped it and put the password.

" Thank you have a nice day" The Lady said

We grabbed the bags and walked out the store.

We walked to the car and Ja'Markus followed us.

We put the stuff in the car and ken sat in the car i was about open my door but Markus stopped me.

"What Markus"

"You Not not at least finna say bye" he said

"Bye" i said going to open the door but he stopped me again

"That dry ass bye, try again" he said shaking his head

"Uh-uh i thought you didn't cuss" i said

"No i told you not to cuss cause it's not cute on a female, But i cuss..... sometimes" he said "Now give me a proper goodbye"

"No Fuck you, that's not fair" i said

"How is it not fair? "

"You get to cuss and i can't there is a reason that i cuss"

"The only reason i tell you that is because i don't want my girl walking around cuss people look down on females for that stuff" he said

I didn't say anything i just looked in the other direction.

He turned my head toward him but i looked some where else

"Look at me" he said

I looked up at him

"What's wrong with you? " he asked

I shrugged

"Talk to me" he said

I looked away


"What do you want me to say" i said

"I don't know maybe whats wrong with you or why are you acting like this, oh how about tell me how YOU feel" he said emphasizing the you

"I'm feeling fine i just don't wanna talk right now" i said

"I'll give you your space" he said holding his hands up in surrender

I turned around and open the door

"Your not gonna say bye or anything? Just leave me hanging like that?" he asked

I turned around and gave him a hug and he kissed my lips softly

"Bye baby" he whispered in my ear

I just nodded my head

I turned to get in the car but he grabbed my hand and kissed it.

He looked at me with those eyes

I sat in my seat and he closed my door. I started the car and drove home.

As soon as i got in the car my mood lightened up I'm so bipolar. Ion even know why I was acting like that to be honest.

I really need to fix that i haven't even been in a relationship with him for a week yet. I really like this guy i don't want him to get tired of me already.

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