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Kijani Cebra |Jani

3 months Later

I woke up in Markus's arms this morning and i felt all warm in fuzzy inside. Huh, that's a new feeling for me.

Sadly we had to get out of bed. I got up not wanting to open eyes taking my clothes off with my eyes closed putting them in the hamper. I grabbed my towel and walked lazily to the bathroom.

I brushed my teeth then opened the water and waited till it got warm.

I stepped in the shower and stood under the water wetting my hair.

I hummed one in a million by tink and i washed my self and hair. I heard the sink water running and i assumed it was Markus.

When i finished in the shower i grabbed the towel dried my self off them stepped out. I went to the room and Markus was sitting on the bed waiting for me to get out of the bathroom.

He smiled at me

I smiled smiled back as he walked towards me

"Good morning baby."

"Good morning bae" he said kissing my forehead taking a towel and going to take a shower i put on some Calvin Klein boy shorts on and a bra. I walked over to my dresser and grabbed the wide tooth comb and went to the mirror.

I combed my hair out my wavy hair and sat on the bed. Ion know what i should do to my hair to day should i be simple and put in a cute pony tail or should i curl it or should i straighten it?

I decided to curl it so while it was still wet i took some flexi rods and put them in my hair since i wasn't going out until 1. I dried my hair a little then let it air dry.

Markus came out if the bathroom. Humming, he walked to the drawer taking one of his boxers and putting them on.

I turned to the mirror and fixed the flexi rods a little then stood up and went to the closet.

I walked in and picked out an outfit i'm going to wear. While i was in the closet Markus came behind me and put his hand around my waist hugging me from behind and kissing my neck.

I smiled.

"Can you believe it's our one year anniversary?" he asked kissing my neck again

"Yes and No" i said with a smirk bending over to get the hanger that fell on the floor.

I stood up and put the hanger back.

"And why is that he said kissing my cheek" i said

"Well no because i really ain't think that i would ever date you or anyone for that matter. And yes because i want you and i want to be with you and 2hat i want i get so yes i can believe that we've been together for a year" i said with a smile

"Um Really" he said in a sexy low husky voice

He turned me around and gave me a nice soft passionate kiss

"Yes really" i smiled hugging him tightly

I let go and picked out the outfit i was gonna wear to go out to the places we're going today.

I walked out the closet and laid them on the chair in the room.

I got a oversized shirt and began to put it on but stopped when Markus slapped my butt.


"What?? "

"That shit hurt" i said

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