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Kijani Cebra | Jani

I woke up the next morning and markus was on top of me with his face in the crook of my neck.

I smiled

I kissed his shoulder blade then i went up to his neck, after that i squeezed on his butt.

He groaned

"Bae stop with that gay shit, let me sleep" he said

I smiled

"No baby get up i wanna be selfish today and wake you i didn't see you all day yesterday" i said

He rolled off of me and stretched

"Okay im up" he said kind of sleepy

"Baby my brothers and sisters coming to visit" i said

He looked over at me

"Brothers and sisters? When?" he asked

"Well my brother and Janay's brothers and sisters and their coming today i gotta go get them" i said

"Oh Okay, y'all gonna spend some family time" he said

"What ever you wanna call it" i said

"You not used to that stuff are you?" he asked

I shook my head

"No my step-dad took that from me when he left me, its been me myself and i until Kentrell came along he showed me love i just didn't know it till you came along and told me what love is then he left now im left with you and Janay" i said getting sad a little

The thought of ken still hurts me. But i don't show it i try to move on, that's just how i am.

He grabbed my hands and kissed the inside of it. But he didn't say anything.

I sat up and so did he i went closer to him and hugged him. He hugged me back tight i needed one of those hugs even though i don't talk about my problems all the time i still need them.

He kissed my forehead then the tip of my nose then my lips.

"I love you" he said

"I love you too" i smiled

He looked at me then hugged me again.

"Thank you" i said getting teary eyed

"Why you saying thank you?" he asked

"I've never felt love like this from anyone other then my mother and it feels good to know that someone else loves me like she did" i said letting a tears slide down my face

He kissed my tears away

"You're welcome baby, but thank you for allowing me to love you the way i do." he said kissing me repeatedly

I nodded my head

"Thank you" he whispered in my ear

I kissed his cheek and straddled him and hugged him at the same time. I love this man and if he was to leave me. I really don't know what I'd do, it would legit be a disaster.

I got up, grabbed a towel went to the bathroom brushed my teeth and took a nice warm shower.

Im in my feelings today, im just finna lay in bed and wait till Janay comes and tells me its time for me to go get our family.

I put on one of Markus's boxers and a black tank top. I laid in bed and got my speakers hooked it up to my phone and playing out of love by twenty88. I feel so down today probably cause Janay family is coming today. Im not finna go into work today simply because i don't feel like it. Speaking if work i need to tell markus about what happened.

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