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Kijani Cebra | Jani

Its been 2 weeks and Markus hasn't come home and im still lowkey sad but i just gotta deal with it. I miss his presence. I want him home, the baby misses him too.

I smiled and rubbed my stomach and it began to kick. He gonna love me so much when he come out.

I have one more week till this appointment so i can find out the sex of the baby. I really want it to be a baby boy.

Im so ready to find out, im also so ready for Markus to come home.

Markus calls me everyday to check up on me and the baby. We always have a nice conversation then go to sleep.

We went out a couple of times too they were like dinner dates and sometimes we'd go to the movies just to have some time alone with each other. 

I got up and went downstairs to get something to eat.

I ate it peacefully at the table and Darren came in the kitchen amd got something to drink out the fridge.

"Hey ugly"

"Hey Monkey" he said taking some of my food

"Ugly ass always wanna eat something"

"Just like you" he said sticking his tounge out

I flicked him off and finished up my food. I washed my plate and put it away.

I went upstairs and opend my phone to see i have two missed facetimes from Markus.

I called him back and it rung twice before he picked up.

"Hey baby daddy" i smiled into the camera

"Eww don't call me that" he said

"Hey baby" I laughed

"Much better, hey babe" he said

"How was your day?" i asked

"It was good could have been better" he said

"What you mean it could be better?"

"I just miss you thats all" he said

"I miss you too, but if you miss me why don't you just come home"

"I will just give it time okay" he said

I nodded


"So how was your day?"

"It was normal like everyday" i said

"How's my baby girl?" he asked

"Our baby boy is fine" i smiled rubbing by stomach

"We have this discussion everyday"

"If you want it to stop just admit to it being a boy" i shrugged

"Its going to be a girl though" he said

"No its not"

"Yess it is"

"No its not"

"Yes it is"

"No its not im not finna argue with you end of discussion" i said

He shook his head with a smile

"Okay, its still a girl though"

"You know what im not finna play" i laughed

We sat on the phone in silence and he just looked at me.

"I love you" he said

"I love you too" i smiled

"Im ready to come home bae" he said

"Then come home you dont know how much i want you here."

"I will come back soon, but i just dont feel right going back to the house" he said.

"Why not?" i frowned

"Because, you he making me not wanna be there anymore. If i get in an arguement and have to leave i don't wanna get kicked out cause its not my house. It humiliating getting kicked out. And you be kicking me out for every petty argument. I didnt even reel right the first time you told me to move in. I like to provide for my girl, i want to put a roof over my womans head not the other way around." he said

"Im sorry for kicking you out, this time I really didnt mean too. I want you here i really do, its nothing here with out you in the house. This house had something mussing thats why i never moved into it. But then you came along and i finally moved into it and it felt normal. The house us nit the same with out you.  And i should start thinking about your feeling before i do things like this im sorry, can you please come back and forgive me?" i asked

"Imma come back in 2 days my dad needs me to helo him with some stuff before I go and of course i forgive you i cant stay mad a my baby" he said smiling that smile the i found so sexy causing me too smile too.

"What you smiling for?" he asked

"You" i said holding the smile on my face


"You just so fineee" i said dragging out the word with a laughed

He laughed too

"Stop you making me feel like a girl"

"Awe i got that affect on you, look at ole boy blush" i smiled

"Shut up" he laughed

"Imma be missing you till you come back" i said

"I know" he said "when i come back imma a big kiss and a hug waiting for you and my baby"

"We finna be waiting on it"

"Okayy, its coming real soon not to long of a wait" he said

"Feels like it to us " I said

"Its not it'll go by real quick"

"Hope so"




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