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I got a good heart my temper bad.


Kijani Cebra | Jani

Boom boom boom!

I heard at my front door.

I sat up and looked at the clock, who the fuck is banging on my door like that at 4 o fuckin clock in the damn morning.

On my way to the door i noticed ken behind me.

I opened the door and it was my step sister Janay. Her clothes were torn and she was bleeding.

I gasped

"Janay what happened?" i asked

"I was running from this group of boys, they tried to rape me" she cried

"come here" i said bringing her into the house and hugging her.

She hugged me tightly

"Come on let me run you a bath and get you some clothes" i said

"Okay" she said quietly

I ran here the bath and went to get her some clothes and a towel.

I came back and she was scrubbing her self off and silently crying.

"Do you know who did this to you? " i asked

"No i didn't see any of their faces" she cried

"Don't cry you know i hate it when you cry." I said

She finished cleaning her self.

I passed her the towel and walked out the bathroom so she can put the clothes on.

I walked to my room where ken was sprawled out on the bed with his eyes closed.

"Ken" i said

"Yeah" he said with his eyes still closed.

"I don't know what to do" i said laying across his stomach

"What you mean?" he asked

"I don't know if i should bring her back to her daddy house tomorrow or let her stay a few days cause they have summer brake." i said

"How bout you ask her what she wants" he said


I just laid there till Janay came to the room

"Jani?" she said

"Yeah? "

"Can i stay here for a few days?" she asked

"Of course you can" i replied

"can you show me somewhere to sleep I'm kinda tired" she said

"Okay come on" i said

I showed her to the guess room and she got in the bed.

"Is that your boyfriend jani he's cute" she said

I laughed

"No that's my best friend"

"Oh, well goodnight" she said

"Goodnight" i replied

I walked back to the room to find ken in the same position.

"fix your self ken" i said

He fixed his self and i got into bed

He turned to faced me

"Now you know what she wants" he said

"I guess i do" i said

"Goodnight ken"

"Goodnight jani"

Within a few minutes we were knocked out.


Excuse the mistakes

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