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Kijani Cebra | Jani

"Travon? What are you doing here?" I frowned

"Ms. Cebra how you feeling" The nurse said finding my pulse

"Im fine, my body hurts but im good" I said

"Okay, I'll get you some pain medication after that your good" She said

"Okay thank you" I said

"You're welcome ma'am" She said

When she walked out i looked at travon

"I came to see my baby sister" He said

"Oh then Janey your brother is here" I said looking at her

"Jani don't do that" She said

I looked away, i have nothing to say to him

"Jani you not finna look at me?" He said

"No, why should i? " I said

"Im your brother!" He said

"No the fuck you're not! My brother wouldn't have left me knowing my step-dad ain't fuckin like me!" I yelled straining my voice even more

"I didn't leave you" He said

"Yes the fuck you did! Stop lying, something i hate for people to do, lie! I've been lied to since i was young and im not taking that shit no more so stop fuckin lying!" I said

"Im not lying" He said

"What the fuck do you call moving with your step-dad and leaving your little sister your barely 16 year old sister by herself to survive off of nothing and not keeping in contact with her!" I yelled

He didn't say anything

"Yeah that's what i fuckin thought. You fuckin left me travon stop fuckin denying it!" I said

"What about them!" He pointed at everyone else

"I don't blame them, why should I? They are his kids but you! You are not his son you chose him over your own blood sister! You left me homeless with nothing, i hate you as much as i hate him for that! " I yelled

He looked at me all sad and shit

"You really hate me" He said in defeat

"What you expect, i loved you, you were my brother i never in a million years expected you to leave me like that NEVER!" I said

"Im sorry" He said softly with his head hung low

"You're too late, that apology was way past due. It really took you 6 years to say that? Really?!" I said shaking my head

"I tried to come back for you" He said

"You a damn lie, and if you did you ain't try hard enough" I said rolling my eyes

"I really am sorry Jani" He said

"I. don't. care" I said

He looked down

"I needed you and you left. Mom just died and i needed comfort, i needed someone to tell me i was gonna be okay. You know how much i loved her. But despite me being your full blood sister you left me" I said as a tears slid down my cheeks "Every night i would sleep on the streets and cry for mom and your no good ass at one point i stopped crying for you cause you never came for me. I cried for mom, then i sucked my sorrow and got on my shit. I made it with out you and i still can"

"Get well soon" Was all he said then he walked out the room

Markus walked over to me and kissed my tears away.

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